Version 4 of Koen Van Damme

Updated 2011-04-20 16:43:45 by koen

Hi, I'm Koen Van Damme, software engineer, living and working in Belgium.

My humble contributions to the Tcl'ers Wiki are currently limited to:

  • Code Generation: The beginnings of a framework to use TCL as a powerful preprocessor for C, C++ or other text output.
  • Text Clipboard: A simple buffer to store, change, delete, and insert text before sending it to output.

I have some TCL stuff on my website at :

  • A paper about object-orientation in TCL
  • A paper about parsing data files
  • A paper presenting a detailed look at the Bwidget toolkit.
     This is on an older website and may disappear.
  • A review of a book covering Tcl/Tk 8.5 basics.
  • More to come...

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