Interix (known as Microsoft SFU) '''Introduction''' ''SFU'' (Services for Unix, currently version 3.5) is an ''UNIX'' environment running as a Windows ''subsytem''. (who knows more about how a subsystem works?) A ''subsystem'' is something like an embedded OS running on a Windows host. DOS, an other well known OS, is a subsystem as well. The SFU sub-system runs on top of the Windwos kernel at the same level as the native Win32 sub-system, so it's not a virtual machine ro an emulation. A ''subsystem'' uses the resources of the host and add specific features to the resources provided by the host. SFU is a '''POSIX''' implementation providing all the well known interfaces mostly used in SW development on UNIX. * POSIX in general: * Microsoft: * Interop Systems: '''why use SFU?''' * SFU is POSIX, SFU is UNIX * you can compile, edit and run your source code like on every other UNIX OS * use your Unix know-how to write Windows software * use !!!one!!! source tree (proven by my own projects) to create Unix, Mac OS X and now Windows software * you can login with telnet or openssh, using your bash (and now tcl) to get your work done and finally use the already known Microsoft applications on your desk (even remote with "rdesktop") * save space and money for one additional workstation (on your table) * SFU fits very well into the Windows environment (no path-name-horror-trip with cygwin) * Admin a Windows system with Unix utilities '''why not use SFU?''' (already known Windows limitations still exist) * no ''root'' user available (chosen restriction to link SFU into the windows user-management) * you can not create files like "odd\\\[\]*?\{\}name" (NTFS limitation) * a user started server can listen on low ports (security hole) * multiple servers can listen on the same port. The first one wins, but the second one does get !!no!! error-msg * FIFO speed is slow (~10 times slower than Linux) * application speed is high, filesystem access speed is medium '''links to Tcl''' * [Andreas Otto] ported Tcl and a couple of extensions to SFU * [TclBase] is a collection of development tools available on Windows SFU, Unix and Mac OS X ---- [Category Porting]