Adrian Davis' ([adavis]) ICONS package [] is intended to provide a cross platform icon library facility for TCL/TK programmers. The package contains several libraries of icons, a viewer application, and a supporting Tcl library. The icon libraries come from several different sources, most of which seem to be related to the KDE project. For example, here is an inline image of one of the icons. [] The viewer application can display an icon library. Clicking on one of the icons copies the appropriate ''image create'' command to the clipboard, so you can paste the code directly into your application. [] The supporting Tcl library allows you to manipulate the icon libraries from your application code. ---- [adavis] (5th November 2004): A new Icon Library ('''eda'''), Created by Shaun Deacon for "Electronic Design Applications", is now available from the ICONS [] website. [] ---- [Category GUI] | [Category Package]