Contributors to [the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup] frequently express concern that a decision to use Tcl is risky, because the language might ... well, something might happen. It's hard to answer unspecified fears rationally. The well-defined ones all turn out to be mistakes. Will Java be better-supported? Well, IBM and Sun have been supporting Java for all its worth, and its portability in particular, and Tcl remains available for a wider span of platforms. Is Tcl vulnerable because its creator might not support it? In fact, [John Ousterhout] has been away from technical leadership of the implementation since 1999 or so, and new versions continue to appear. Won't GNOME [themes], or .NET, or Ruby, or object-orientation, or ..., leave Tcl behind? Sure; in three to five years, each of these will catch up with features Tcl already enjoys. If that means, "leave Tcl behind" to you, then Tcl is probably not a language that will leave you comfortable. Maybe Tcl will decline in any of several objective senses. The evidence usually presented in support of such a prediction, though, is demonstrably ... inconclusive. ---- [LV] I would add to the above that when people say "Tcl doesn't have ..." followed by some function, what they ''seem'' to mean is "I want to do ..., but I don't want to code it myself, don't want to pay someone to code it, and don't want to have to download and build something other than the tcl.tar.gz or file." That is a rather unfortunate attitude to take towards open source. [VK] That's not always true. Sometimes TCL does not have some feature due to the fact that it does not go smoothly into the TCL ideology, but it ''is'' actually really used in programming world. Closures - is an example (there are attempts to simulate them but all you get is poor subsitutes). Proper object destruction is another example. Anonymous subroutines, the possibility of writing one-line command line scripts - you can neither download this as .tar.gz nor even implement it actually. [Duoas] Wait a second-- are you saying that just because you can find things like monads in functional languages or direct port access in assembly languages or feature X in language Y that Tcl should include it in its core? Perhaps all imperative languages are evil and should be turned into functional languages? There will ''always'' be differences in design philosophies between languages. Tcl's strength lies in the fact that it is easily adaptable to so ''many'' different (and usually incompatible) philosophies. [LV] VK, you make a valid point. I will grant you that there are various features which Tcl does not have, and which are anywhere from difficult to impossible to implement. But, if you think about it, there are few languages in existence which have every feature that anyone might think of during the many years after its creation. So that is just a simple statement of fact and not a criticism of every language created. ---- [RS] Open source software lives as long at least one developer has the sources and can compile them. Tcl sure isn't a fashionable language, but you also often hear how people are surprised and ultimately converted. Yes, we are a minority - but we've got The Cool Language! I'm not worried as long as [everything is a string]. ----- [LES] on Nov-2006: I am not really an expert, but I do read and try a lot of stuff, and after 3 years using Tcl, I am still firmly convinced that Tcl is, sadly, an excessively well kept secret. If more developers took the time to shake off all prejudice and examine Tcl a little more, they would have nothing but the insecurity of working with an unpopular language to deal with. Tcl '''Tcl has all and a few other traits that many languages pursue and haven't managed to deliver to-date. Sadly, Tk is a different story. [Tk is obsolete], no question about it.''' [peterc] 2008-01-13: This where the modern widget extensions like [Tile] are so important to Tcl's future as it stops people making snap judgements that Tcl's dated just on the basis of what classic Tk looks like. (Much as I think Tcl can continue as a lower profile language on a technical level, I'd really like to see more jobs on the boards with Tcl skills sought after.) ---- '''Tcl has many years in front of it''' '''Nothing to worry about'''. No need to have a million programmers for a programming language to live and prosper. As the saying goes: ''too many cooks spoil the broth''. I think Tcl-TK has the right ingredients, the right wiki, the right chat, and ultimately the right people to live for a long long time. It improves slowly but steadily and this is what counts. I am sure it will still be strong and healthy when yours truly will become food for (gourmet I hope) worms 6 feet under the ground :-) and way beyond... Besides, good programming languages take a long time to die. We still hear about [Cobol] and [Fortran] which have been around for 50 years. But those who really want to ensure Tcl's longevity, those who really want to make a concrete gesture towards getting TCL known, should do what * Will Duquette [Notebook] * [JCW] [TclKit] * Mark Roseman [ProjectForum] * Brian Theado [TK outline] * The discrete programmer who wrote [GetMeDone] and a few others have done: write software for the general public. Everyone who, like me, will be able to open magically a new program with just a click of the mouse without any installation, will be curious about the language and will try to learn more. Will, Jean-Claude, Mark, Brian and the discrete programmer have given Tcl/Tk its visit cards and its credentials. But don't worry anyway about programming for programmers. There is a whole section of French literature which is called: literature for writers (le Nouveau Roman). They write experimental novels if you will (novels without a character, without a start, a turning point and an end). They don't sell a million copies of their books but still, a few thousand people are interested and this is what counts. Finally, a last point. Judging by the vitality of this site, Tcl will be around for a long long time. All in all I believe TCL's main strengths are this wiki, the chat, programmers mentioned above who write software for the general public, people like Mike Griffiths who make it a point of answering questions on the Ask and it shall be given pages and each and everyone who contributes to '''anything related to Tcl/Tk''' by bringing in their two cents worth. No. Really. There is nothing to worry about. I do worry about climate changes however. But that is another story for another day... ---- [RFox] I have only two things to say about this: AOLserver & CISCO. ---- [LTG30] If the reader is concerned about TCL's future, read the third paragraph of this link. [BV] F5 ( has added a new feature called "irules" to their latest load balancing products. They made extensive use of TCL. These irules are very powerful. You can read more about this by searching for "irules" at . ---- [SYStems] I too would worry if Tcl was the only programming language I know, but why should it be? I agree that for any individual there are so many languages he can learn. And even when you do know more than one language, most developers seem to prefer to use just one most of the time if not all of the time. Even more I know that it's hard for Tcl to be that one language. I think the core team of Tcl should focus more on making Tcl different than redundant. This way Tcl will have a better of making the short list of the programming languages most programmers feel the need to learn. My pick list would be * Java * C, C++ (systems development) * Vb.Net or C# (anything first class in .net) * A scripting language: Perl, Ruby, Python, Tcl. Python just got a huge push by being the default for the OLPC * Sql, PL/Sql, T-Sql, MDX As you can see Java is in a category of its own (in my opinion), Tcl isn't! [LV] Of the the more apparently unusual aspects of Tcl is that there isn't a '''core team''' who has a goal of moving Tcl forward. The [TCT] is tcl's core team and their goal is to facilitate new features as the community makes suggestions and then the community develops them. Granted, there are those on the TCT who do in fact work on the core language, submitting wonderful improvements. But they do so ''wearing the hat'' of a community member, not as a part of the '''job''' of TCT member. I'm not involved in other communities like Tcl, so perhaps this is a different development model from most. Most of the software I follow, in fact, is lead by its creator or someone who picks up the reigns after some change in leadership. Thank goodness we have the TCT to manage releases, to help discuss the technical merits of new ideas, etc. [DKF]: Well, there are two groups. There's the [TCT] who are very much about management oversight and strategic stuff, and whose membership is restricted (though our discussions are public). But for day-to-day work, there's the [Tcl Maintainers] and [Tk Maintainers], who are the people with commit access to our [CVS] repository. Anyone's free to be a maintainer; the main requirement is an ability to submit patches for bugs that don't break things. New features have to have their genesis in the community as a whole though (formally, we want a patch and a [TIP] before the feature goes in, so that we capture not just what was done but why); the biggest advantage I have is not that I'm on the [TCT], but rather that I'm an active maintainer and so I've got a lot of experience with the code, and that's something that's open to anyone who knows [C] (or [Tcl] or [nroff] or [autoconf]) or who is willing to learn. [LV] Thanks for the additional explanation. As a side note, do most of the enhancements to the code you maintain come from any sort of direction given to you (or set by you) or do they mostly come from community contributions via TIP or some other means? [DKF]: It's a mixed bag. A number of things that I know about are really just me (or one of the other main folks that form the loose cabal that corresponds to other projects' "core team" notion) scratching long-standing itches, especially with the things that go deeper. But other stuff is often a feature that's pushed for by the wider community foremost (more often these are things that are less about fundamental semantics and more about nice shortcuts for great usability). But these are general impressions, not rules. The best way to become a maintainer is to try to fix bugs for a bit. Then maybe design and write a new feature. At that point you'll probably have enough experience to be able to do real maintenance. ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Advocacy] | [Category Discussion] |% !!!!!!