This page provides an example of how to export [Microsoft] [Outlook] default contact folder to [XML] using the [registry], [tcom] and [tDom] package. For some more information see: [How one discovers the API for a COM-exporting application] and [Microsoft OLE/COM Date]. [Alexander Schöpe] ---- Export Microsoft Outlook default contact folder to XML: # # Outlook Contact Export to XML using tcom and tdom Libraries # # (c) 2007 Alexander Schoepe $Id: outlook_export_xml.tcl,v 1.1 2007/09/15 20:34:47 alex Exp $ # # This Software Snippet is distributed in the hope that it will be # useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty # of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # # package require registry package require tcom package require tdom array set opts { application Outlook.Application date %Y-%m-%d datetime %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S invalidDate 949998.0 xml contacts.xml } proc COleToCTime float { return [expr {round(($float - 25569) * 86400)}] } if {[catch {registry get HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\$opts(application)\\CLSID {}} clsid]} { puts stderr "registry: $clsid" exit 1 } if {[catch {registry get HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\CLSID\\$clsid\\Typelib {}} typelib]} { puts stderr "registry: $typelib" exit 1 } if {[catch {registry keys HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\TypeLib\\$typelib} keys]} { puts stderr "registry: $keys" exit 1 } set version [lindex [lsort -real $keys] end] if {[catch {registry get HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\Typelib\\$typelib\\$version\\FLAGS {}} flag]} { puts stderr "registry: $flag" exit 1 } if {[catch {registry get HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\Typelib\\$typelib\\$version\\$flag\\win32 {}} win32]} { puts stderr "registry: $win32" exit 1 } if {[catch {::tcom::import $win32} olb]} { puts stderr "tcom: $olb" exit 1 } unset clsid typelib keys flag win32 foreach varname {OlDefaultFolders OlInspectorClose} { upvar #0 ${olb}::$varname $varname } foreach varname {MailingAddress Gender Sensitivity Importance} { switch -- $varname { Importance { set pos 12 } default { set pos 2 } } upvar #0 ${olb}::Ol$varname source upvar #0 $varname destination foreach {name value} [array get source] { set destination($value) [string range $name $pos end] } } array set SelectedMailingAddress [array get MailingAddress] array unset MailingAddress if {[catch {::tcom::ref createobject $opts(application)} application]} { puts stderr "tcom: $application" exit 1 } set session [$application Session] set start [clock seconds] set doc [dom createDocument contacts] set root [$doc documentElement] $root setAttribute version 1.0 set node [$doc createElement name] $node appendChild [$doc createTextNode "$opts(application) Export"] $root appendChild $node set properties [$doc createElement properties] $root appendChild $properties set node [$doc createElement time] $node appendChild [$doc createTextNode [clock format [clock seconds] -format $opts(datetime)]] $root appendChild $node set folder [$session GetDefaultFolder $OlDefaultFolders(olFolderContacts)] set items [$folder Items] set count [$items Count] puts "exporting $count contacts" for {set index 1} {$index <= $count} {incr index} { set item [$items Item $index] set itemProp [$item ItemProperties] set contact [$doc createElement contact] $contact setAttribute index $index $root appendChild $contact set ipc [$itemProp Count] for {set i 0} {$i < $ipc} {incr i} { set prop [$itemProp Item $i] set name [$prop Name] set data [$prop Value] set node {} if {[string trim $data] != "" && ![string match ::tcom::handle0x* $data]} { set fmt {} switch -- $name { AutoResolvedWinner - Class - ConversationIndex - DownloadState - Email1AddressType - Email1EntryID - Email2AddressType - Email2EntryID - Email3AddressType - Email3EntryID - IsConflict - Journal - MailingAddress - MailingAddressCity - MailingAddressCountry - MailingAddressPostOfficeBox - MailingAddressPostalCode - MailingAddressState - MailingAddressStreet - MarkForDownload - Saved - Size - UnRead { } Birthday - Anniversary { if {$data != $opts(invalidDate)} { set node [$doc createElement $name] if {![catch {clock format [COleToCTime $data] -format $opts(date)} fmtData]} { $node setAttribute float $data $node appendChild [$doc createTextNode $fmtData] } else { $node appendChild [$doc createTextNode $data] } } } CreationTime - LastModificationTime { set node [$doc createElement $name] if {![catch {clock format [COleToCTime $data] -format $opts(datetime)} fmtData]} { $node setAttribute float $data $node appendChild [$doc createTextNode $fmtData] } else { $node appendChild [$doc createTextNode $data] } } Gender - Importance - SelectedMailingAddress - Sensitivity { upvar #0 $name enum set node [$doc createElement $name] if {[info exists enum($data)]} { $node setAttribute integer $data $node appendChild [$doc createTextNode $enum($data)] } else { $node appendChild [$doc createTextNode $data] } } default { set node [$doc createElement $name] $node appendChild [$doc createTextNode $data] } } if {$node != ""} { $contact appendChild $node set property($name) {} } } } $item Close $OlInspectorClose(olDiscard) } set node [$doc createElement contacts] $node setAttribute count $count $node setAttribute seconds [expr {[clock seconds] - $start}] $node appendChild [$doc createTextNode [lsort [array names property]]] $properties appendChild $node if {[catch {open $opts(xml) w} fd]} { puts stderr "xml: $fd" } else { puts $fd [$root asXML] close $fd puts "saved to file $opts(xml)" } ---- [Category Example] | [Category Package] | [Category Windows] | [Category XML]