''Formerly'', one of a group responsible for the administrative interface to TNAS (for TAS - network OS emulating Windows, Netware and Mac file service). Formerly published by '''Syntax [http://www.syntax.com]''', but since the acquisition, by '''LSI Logic [http://www.lsilogicstorage.com]'''. TNAS is about 70,000 lines of TCL providing a web interface to a set of programs and APIs to manage the TAS software. Building it has been the most fun I've had in a long time! And get this: it's built in TCL '''''7.6''''', which has proved more than adequate for anything we've needed. We're upgrading now (to help smooth the transition if we turn it over to a new group); and the upgrade has been pleasantly painless. ''Currently'', income-free and willing to pitch in! ---- '''Boy''' is that '''''old!''''' Currently (it's 8/2007; since 9/2006) working as a web developer, with no more involvement in TCL other than being interested in how it matures (and in my mind, in some good, but many unfortunate ways). If I ever have something to say on the wiki, I'll be '''HJ'''. Find me at mailto:h.a.jess@gmail.com. ---- [Category Person]