Version 7 of How do you make two windows act as one?

Updated 2013-01-15 17:51:03 by Zipguy

Zipguy (2013-01-13) - My email is zipguypub @ thefreesite dot com please change the dot to a ".".

I'm working on ML - Heavily Modified & Improved, which I like a lot. It is available there with the one I've currently released. I've got a new problem.

I've been using TCL for a while, on Windows. I'm on a Windows laptop. I've decided to run it as two windows, from TCL terms (. and .proc). This maximizes the space for the main window. Now I have two windows running as one application, called ML v1.25b, which has not been released yet. It looks like this:

It works well. Even if you have closed the "Procedures" window, it's easy to re-open it, by using the "Window" menu (you can switch to another window and switch back to the one you were on, if you only have one entry under the Windows menu, you can make another by the File->New, and then you have two entries).

So my question is:

How can I make these two windows act as one.

For example, when the main one has been minimized, the remaining one, Procedures, remains unaffected. I have to minimize it also. And, visa versa when the main one has been restored, I have to restore the Procedure window also. I've been looking of into the TCL manual, which is rather large, and I thought it would be easier to ask this question here. I think I need to know when the "Minimize" button is pressed, put a bind or bindtag on that to tell the wm to minimize the Procedure window also. Also I need to know when they're restoring the windows also, in a likewise fashion. Thanks for any help in advance.

I categorized it as Tk. I hope that's right

RLE (2013-01-13): You need to read up on the Tk bind command, specifically upon the Map and Unmap events. You will need to use bind to cause a proc to be executed whenever a Map or Unmap event occurs, and perform the appropriate wm iconify or wm withdraw command on all the windows you want to act the same in response to the relevant event.

Zipguy (2013-01-14) - Greets RLE. I found a sample program at the end of the "bind" page, so I tried making an example out of it. This is what I had

        package provide app-bindb 1.0
        #  zipguy - routine added for puts with date %Y-%m-%d and time 
        proc puts_log {message {code 0}} {
        set time [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p"]
        puts "$time  $message"
        };# END-PROC

        console show
        puts_log "Just Strarting Now."
        toplevel .procs
        set keysym "Press any key"
        pack [label .l1 -textvariable keysym -padx 2m -pady 1m]
        bind . <Key> {set keysym "You pressed key: %K"}
        set map "         "
        pack [label .l2 -textvariable map -padx 2m -pady 1m]
        bind . <Unmap>        {
                set map "Just Unmaped"
                puts_log $map
                wm iconify .procs
                puts_log "wm state is: [wm state .procs]" 
        bind . <Map>                        {
                set map "Just Maped"
                puts_log $map
                wm deiconify .procs
                puts_log "wm state is: [wm state .procs]" 

It turned out terrific. Both the window .proc and the . one behave properly when Minimzed (or Restored), because they do act like ONE window.

One curious thing that I noticed was that the Unmap (or Map) events, seem to occur in threes.

Don't know why? It did not seem to matter, even though I seemed to be executing them three times. Anyway, thanks RLE.

Zipguy (2013-01-15) - Ah.... I figured it out. The Map/Unmap events occur once for each element that exists in the window that is in progress of being Mapped/Unmapped.

I found this when I was exploring the behavior of the Console window in console - work with the parent window. This is where I was attempting to get the Console window to behave in a similar fashion. It is so far unsolved, but it did occur there about thirty+ times in there each time the main window was being Mapped/Unmapped.