HP-15C Torsten Manz [http://www.hpmuseum.org/simulate/15_1_205.zip] Torsten Manz has written a GPL'd HP-15C simulation entirely in Tcl/Tk. This version requires one install the included HP-15C simulation font. HP-15C Torsten Manz and [Larry Smith] [http://www.smith-house.org:8000/software/IQ-15C.tcl] [Larry Smith] took Torsten's work and added a version of [LCD hexa panel] and removed the need to install a font. I also changed the name to IQ-15C, since Torsten's version was so faithful to the actual calculator I got nervous about trademark issues. [http://www.smith-house.org:8000/iq15.png] ---- New version 1.2.05 available from the MoHPC (see link above) - Torsten ---- [Category Application] - [Category Mathematics]