What applications written in Tcl/Tk look really good? More often than not, when arguing the merits of Tk with someone, I am found defending its look-and-feel more than anything. People seem turned off by the fact that Tk resembles the old [Motif] style. In fact, Tk can resemble most anything you want it to. It just takes a little effort. - [lv] perhaps one or more of the authors of these good looking tk apps could write up what the ''little effort'' involves? So, with that in mind, what Tk applications do you think look really good? What applications (screenshots) would you point someone to if you wanted to dispel the myth that Tk looks like crap? * [InstallBase] -- http://installbase.sourceforge.net/screenshots.shtml * [snackamp] -- http://snackamp.sourceforge.net * [tkdiff] -- http://www.accurev.com/free/tkdiff/tkdiff.gif * lipsumcolor -- http://www.oklin.com/oklin2/lipsumcolor/lipsumcolor.jpg * Oklin PAM -- http://www.oklin.com/oklin2/pam/pictures/pam_screen1_fr.jpg * [Tk_Theme] -- http://www.xmission.com/~georgeps/Tk_Theme/Tk_Theme_With_Malephiso.png * [Getleft] -- http://personal1.iddeo.es/andresgarci/getleft/english/snaps.html * pgaccess -- http://bschwarz.com/projects/pgaccess/ * [RamDebugger] ---- * [Alphatk] -- http://www.santafe.edu/~vince/alphatk/intro.html ---- Similar page [Tk widgets look fine under Windows] ---- One of the problems here is who defines ''good''? There are quite vocal members of the community who advocate that only if gtk is supported is an application ''good enough'' for their clients. Others call for even closer move to the Windows look and feel for their clients. The Mac OS X supports want tk to look even more like that environment. About the only way that these things are going to be achieved is if these community members begin submitting patches to Tk to provide the support that they ''must have''. ---- [[ [Category GUI] ]]