Version 18 of FOSDEM 2004

Updated 2004-01-16 11:13:43

FOSDEM's web page is at . It takes place Feb 21-22, 2004.

Information about Tcl @ FOSDEM:

DKF: Who's going?

EB: Brussels is really near for me, and I'd be happy to meet TCT members.

TV: Most probably I'll be going, DV as they say (read: when car and friend finances don't break down), it might be possible to bring another person from the line amsterdam/brussels/louvain. I may well be doing video.

davidw: I'd really like to be there. Not %100 sure yet, but I think so. Lots of really interesting stuff going on there.

rmax: I'll most likely be there and do some presentation/demo session on socket programming in Tcl.

DKF: I'd love to be there too. I'm up to my eyeballs in work right now though, so booking anything is massively down the priority list. It should slacken off sometime in early Feb though so FOSDEM is quite possible.

PBA: I'll be there. What about a pair of beers in the evening in Brussels with some fine lunch ?

US: I'll probably be there for a day.

AM: I will be there - the two days

kroc: I will be there the two days too.

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