When Don first created [Expect], he assumed other languages would incorporate bindings relatively quickly. It's a testimony to the package's polish that no substantial efforts were made with other language bindings for many years; it's because his Expect has seemed so perfect, not for any lack of need other languages have. By 2000, though, unpolished Expect-like facilities were available for such languages as [Perl] and [Python]. In contrast to the situation for [Tk], other languages have '''not''' created Expect modules by linking against Don's libraries; instead, they've written "from scratch" in more language-specific fashion. Python has several Expect initiatives (just as it has a plethora of Web servers, GUI toolkits, and so on). Most advanced appears to be Pexpect [http://sourceforge.net/projects/pexpect/] (but is it ''narrow-sense'' "pure-Python"?). Expect.pm