[lv] writes in [comp.lang.tcl] the following: According to TingChong : :I want to create a standalone expect binary on solaris 8. :i.e. without worrying tcl installation. Okay - here's what I did. 1. get a version of tclkit for solaris. This can be downloaded or built from the source. Make certain you put this into a directory of your path and call it "tclkit". 2. get a copy of the sdx toolkit. Mark it executable. Place it in a directory directory in your path. 3. get the source code for expect. configure it with the --enable-shared --enable-stubs option. Build and install it. 4. Create a simple tcl script and mark it executable. $ cat tkex.tcl #! /usr/tcl84/bin/tclsh package require Expect puts [package versions Expect] (where the first line is a path to where _I_ have tclsh installed). 5. Run it - it should produce a single line - the version of expect that you have installed. $ ./tkex.tcl 5.38.0 6. execute sdx.kit to create a first starkit: $ sdx.kit qwrap tkex.tcl 5 updates applied $ ls -l tkex* -rwxr-xr-x 1 lwv26 dept26 824 Aug 18 10:47 tkex.kit -rwxr-xr-x 1 lwv26 dept26 80 Aug 18 10:47 tkex.tcl 7. Now, run the starkit: lwv26awu (389) $ ./tkex.kit can't find package Expect while executing "package require Expect" (file "/tmp/t/tkex.kit/lib/app-tkex/tkex.tcl" line 4) invoked from within "source /tmp/t/tkex.kit/lib/app-tkex/tkex.tcl" ("package ifneeded" script) invoked from within "package require app-tkex" (file "./tkex.kit/main.tcl" line 3) invoked from within "source ./tkex.kit/main.tcl" ("uplevel" body line 1) invoked from within "uplevel [list source [file join $self main.tcl]]" Good - the starkit exists, but shows it cannot currently find Expect. 8. Unwrap the starkit. $ sdx.kit unwrap tkex.kit 5 updates applied 9. place expect into a place where tclkit will find it. $ cd tkex.vfs/lib $ mkdir expect5.38 expect 5.38/SunOS5.8 $ cp /usr/tcl84/lib/expect5.38/pkgIndex.tcl expect5.38/pkgIndex.tcl $ cp /usr/tcl84/lib/expect5.38/libexpect5.38.so expect5.38/SunOS5.8/libexpect5.38.so 10. Update the pkgIndex.tcl so that it will find it appropriated. After editing pkgIndex.tcl, it now looks like this: $ cat tkex.vfs/lib/expect5.38/pkgIndex.tcl i# Tcl package index file, version 1.0 # This file is sourced either when an application starts up or # by a "package unknown" script. It invokes the # "package ifneeded" command to set up package-related # information so that packages will be loaded automatically # in response to "package require" commands. When this # script is sourced, the variable $dir must contain the # full path name of this file's directory. package ifneeded Expect 5.38.0 [list load [file join $dir [format "%s%s" $::tcl_platform(os) $::tcl_platform(osVersion)] libexpect5.38.so]] 11. Now test it out. $ tclkit tkex.vfs/main.tcl 5.38.0 12. That works - so let's wrap up the starkit. $ sdx.kit wrap tkex.kit 9 updates applied 13. Test out the starkit. $ ./tkex.kit 5.38.0 14. Now create the single file starpack. First, make a copy of tclkit, so that it can be placed in the final executable. $ cp /path/to/tclkit tclkit-runtime $ sdx wrap tkex.kit -runtime tclkit-runtime 8 updates applied $ ls -l tkex.kit -rwxr-xr-x 1 lwv26 dept26 2329846 Aug 18 10:58 tkex.kit $ ksh $ unset PATH $ ./tkex.kit 5.38.0 $ which tclkit $ That part with the unset of PATH is just to prove that the file is self-contained - no tclkit (or anything else!) is in the path, so the only thing executing is the starpack. ---- Or, we could point out in the http://expect.sf.net/ release ChangeLog something like: 2003-02-14 Andreas Kupries * configure.in: Made expect aware of tcl stubs. Derived from the * exp_command.h: patches to expect done by Steve Landers * exp_command.c: . Modifications: * exp_main_sub.c No global cmdinfo structures for 'close' and * exp_main_exp.c: 'return'. Made this per-interpreter information * exp_main_tk.c: as it should be. Using interp assoc data for this. NOTE: stubs is not default, but has to be activated via '--enable-stubs' . * configure: Regenerated. ---- The following is an old comment. ---- [[Explain how [Expect] has ''not'' been generally available for [Tclkit] applications (significance of [stubs] and so on), but there have always been several other ways (some proprietary) to create, for example, single-file executables. In any case, Guido Ostkamp has demonstrated "clean" co-operation between the two [http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&frame=left&th=b6fdbb2f508d37bd]. His patch--[Steve Landers]' "modified files" [http://wiki.tcl.tk/4601] converted into 'patch' format--is publicly available [http://phaseit.net/claird/comp.lang.tcl/expect.patch].]] ---- TingChong writes in comp.lang.tcl the following: Subject: create a single self-contained standalone expect binary on solaris 8 Date: 5 Jan 2004 11:44:07 -0800 These are the steps to create a single self-contained standalone expect binary on solaris 8. i.e. a expectkit similar to tclkit. Thanks for all those who help me to discover this. 1. Download expect source files from http://expect.nist.gov Then gunzip the downloaded file expect.tar.gz. gzcat expect.tar.gz | tar xfp - 2. Configure the compilation environment: If the line too long, use "\" to continue the long line. ./configure --with-tcl=$HOME//build//tcl --with-tclinclude=$HOME//src/tcl/generic --with-tk=$HOME//build//tkdyn --with-tkinclude=$HOME//src/tk/generic --enable-shared --enable-stubs 3. Compile by the command: make 4. Create the standalone expect by the starpack method. Create this directory structure: mkdir -p expect.vfs/lib 5. Copy the newly compiled expect.so to the expect.vfs/lib directory. cp /expect.so expect.vfs/lib 6. Create the tcl script pkgIndex.tcl in the expect.vfs/lib directory to load expect.so: package ifneeded Expect 5.38.0 [list load [file join $dir expect[info sharedlibextension]] Expect] where 5.38.0 is the current expect version. 7. Check the result: ls -R expect.vfs expect.vfs: lib expect.vfs/lib: expect.so pkgIndex.tcl 8. Create a copy of the tclkit used by sdx.kit. cp tclkit tclkit.copy 9. Use sdx to combine expect.so and tclkit.copy to create the standalone expect. sdx.kit wrap expect -runtime tclkit.copy Please note that every expect script using this standalone expect must have the "package require Expect" immediately after the first line. e.g. #!/bsmbootstrap/sbin/expect package require Expect ---- [Category Expect]