If you find you're thinking too much while on an Expect project, give [autoexpect] a chance to be your friend. A large number of tutorials on Expect have been published over the last decade. Among those available online are * Diep Ly's [http://www.csc.calpoly.edu/~dbutler/tutorials/winter96/expect/tutorial.html] * the RayCosoft one [http://www.raycosoft.com/rayco/support/expect_tutor.html] (not available anymore). See Way Back Machine [http://web.archive.org/web/20041010121409/http://www.raycosoft.com/rayco/support/expect_tutor.html] * unos en espaol de Vega Barreiro [http://www.croftj.net/~barreiro/spain/expect/expect_tutorial.html] (not available anymore) [[ [Category Expect] ]]