Version 0 of Expect FAQ

Updated 2004-05-30 11:29:28 by CMCc

Where can I learn about Expect's commands?

ActiveState maintains online copies of documentation at [L1 ].

Is Expect thread-safe?

The answer, by Don Libes recently, was No. [L2 ]

Is there a newer version of Expect that works (and/or works better) for Windows?

Expect for Windows

There is an up-to-date port of Expect for Windows available from ActiveState commercially [L3 ]. Otherwise there is an old port that is based off a hacked version of Tcl 8.0 from Gordon Chaffee.

how to access the result of a remote command in Expect.

How Expect sees function keys

One frequently-asked question is how to send escape characters through Expect.

Category Expect