[Richard Suchenwirth] 2007-04-29 - Of course not. Before 8.5, the concept of [dict] isn't even supported by the [Tcl] core (though an extension is available for 8.4). But playing with [Picol], and as usual pondering how to make things simpler, the following two-third-baked ideas occurred to me: * A callframe (the set of variables local to a [proc], or globals in a namespace) could be done as a dict * A [namespace] itself needs one dict for commands, one for its child namespaces, and a callframe. As dicts can be nested, these could all go into one dict again. * An [interpreter] again needs as minimum a namespace, and a dict of its slave interpreters * Variable values can be dicts already, or "scalars" (by which I here mean non-dict values, but could be lists. Stressing it a bit, a scalar could be implemented as a one-element dict with NULL key. One consequence of this could be to expose more of the internals to the scripting side. For instance, if _C is the commands dict of the current namespace, and _V the same for v ariables, dict keys $::_C ;# info commands dict keys $::_V ;# info globals so generic [dict] routines could replace the more specific ones. Further phantasizing, dict set ::_C foo {call MyFooImpl} could do the registering of a C-coded command, where the generic ''call'' command locates the given symbol in symbol tables, prepares objc/objv and.. calls it. What do y'all think? ---- [Category Discussion]