Tk 8.3's [entry] widget has built-in hooks for validating the contents of an entry. By adding a little code to the entry widget, you can check the entered data on the fly. Be sure to read the new entry manual page [] for a full description and cautions about mixing validation code with text variables. Here are a few examples of entry validation, in the form of a widget demo, courtesy of [Jeffrey Hobbs] with a few additions by yours truly (RWT). Feel free to add more validation examples that you find useful. It is worth noting that some of the regular expressions look a little odd. The ''Real Number'' expression, for example, will allow -9.9.e-9 if you are checking any string with ''regexp' (which is why I've replaced it with a simpler validator - ''[DKF]''.) But you cannot progressively build up to that string. ("-9.9." will fail!) The validation command must be defined in the context of the mode defined by the '''-validate''' switch. ''[DKF] adds:'' If you have some complex string that you are needing to enter, then you might prefer to perform validation on some criterion other than a key press - it is easy to imagine that the requirement that an entry have a minimum of 4 characters in it will be violated when you are entering the first of them - and it is even possible that you will want several different kinds of validation, depending on whether it is triggered by a key press (when you check to see if the key is a reasonable thing at that point) or, for example, a focus-out (when you check to see if the contents really is valid overall.) A deeper question is how you report a validation failure to the user. Popping up a dialog box to report the failure is probably not a good idea, especially if the user hasn't finished with the form just yet! From what I've seen in practise and read in the likes of ''[BOOK About Face]'', I'd say that the best technique is to be as lenient as possible with typing during the main part of the data entry, indicating failed validations using subtle hints (e.g. by changing the colour of the associated label from the usual sedate black on grey to red on grey) and only when the whole form is accepted by the user should you perform any more stringent validation, and failures should be reported by sounding the bell (never neglect the power of aural feedback) and moving the focus to the first of the fields whose validations failed (though all should be marked.) Reserve dialog boxes for when a particularly complex and rarely-failed validation doesn't work, since dialogs are really disruptive to people's workflows and have only limited pedagogic value (these particular dialogs are also ideal candidates for being switched off individually by users.) [[ [AK] -- Regarding aural feedback ... I personally consider it to intrusive. And peole will not like it if their problems are announced to the world around them. Changing background colors are seen only by me. The beep is heard all over. ]] When you have fields that are co-validated, you must ''always'' validate them as a group, even for trivial changes (since a change to one might make a previously invalid field become valid, or ''vice versa''.) If you've taken the time to add an online-help system to your application, then that help should describe what sorts of validations are being done. Like that, anyone who forgets how a particular validation is done (from ''their'' perspective obviously; only a programmer would like to see the regexp being used!) can remind themselves with the press of a key or the touch of a button. [KBK] observes further: At one point, I had a customer who wanted an entry field that would validate a time of day (HH:MM:SS); actually, since the application was for video processing, the time also included a frame count within the second, but that's not really relevant to the discussion. The customer found "validate-on-focus-out" to be unacceptable: he wanted the field NEVER to have invalid content. What the customer (and, surprisingly, the users) actually liked was to put a sample time in the field, and set up the keyboard bindings to function in overtype mode. The key bindings got to be a bit complicated, since they were dependent on the location of the entry cursor. I was going to post the code at [Time entry that never contains invalid data], but it turns out to be too large for my web browser. ---- label .l0 -text "ENTRY WIDGET VALIDATION EXAMPLES:" label .l1 -text "Integer:" entry .e1 -validate key -vcmd {string is int %P} label .l2 -text "Integer && 7 char limit:" entry .e2 -validate key \ -vcmd {expr {[string is int %P] && [string length %P]<8}} label .l3 -text "Integer with leading +/-:" entry .e3 -validate key \ -vcmd {expr {[string match {[-+]} %P] || [string is int %P]}} label .l4 -text "Integer forbidding leading zero:" entry .e4 -validate key \ -vcmd {expr {[string is int %P] && ![string match "0*" %P]}} label .l5 -text "Real Number:" entry .e5 -validate key -vcmd {string is double %P} label .l6 -text "Alpha:" entry .e6 -validate key -vcmd {string is alpha %P} label .l7 -text "Hexadecimal:" entry .e7 -validate key -vcmd {string is xdigit %P} label .l8 -text "8 char limit:" entry .e8 -validate key -vcmd {expr {[string len %P] <= 8}} grid .l0 -columnspan 2 -sticky w grid .l1 .e1 grid .l2 .e2 grid .l3 .e3 grid .l4 .e4 grid .l5 .e5 grid .l6 .e6 grid .l7 .e7 grid .l8 .e8 grid configure .l1 .l2 .l3 .l4 .l5 .l6 .l7 .l8 -sticky e grid configure .e1 .e2 .e3 .e4 .e5 .e6 .e7 .e8 -sticky ew grid columnconfigure . 1 -weight 1 ---- [RoS] adds a integer validation with range check: The validation is performed in two steps: 1. At "key" level: - allow empty string - verify sign - allow shorter numbers during edit (e.g. "12" for range=[100,999]) - reject bigger numbers oout of range (e.g. 1234 for range=[100,999]) At "focusout" level: - strong integer and range validation proc validInteger {win event x min max} { # Make sure min<=max if {$min > $max} { set tmp $min; set min $max; set max $tmp } # Allow valid integers, empty strings, sign without number # Reject Octal numbers, but allow a single "0" # Which signes are allowed ? if {($min <= 0) && ($max >= 0)} { ;# positive & negative sign set pattern {^[+-]?(()|0|([1-9][0-9]*))$} } elseif {$max < 0} { ;# negative sign set pattern {^[-]?(()|0|([1-9][0-9]*))$} } else { ;# positive sign set pattern {^[+]?(()|0|([1-9][0-9]*))$} } set okay [regexp $pattern $x] set int [string is integer -strict $x] switch $event { key { # Weak range check: temporarily allow shorter numbers: "12" if max="100" set range [expr {(($min>=0)||($x>=$min)) && (($max<=0)||($x<=$max))}] set valid [expr {$okay && (! $int || $range)}] if {! $valid} { bell } } focusout { # Strong range check set range [expr {($x >= $min) && ($x <= $max)}] set valid [expr {$int && $range}] if {! $valid} { bell tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error \ -message "Invalid integer or out of range: \[$min, $max\]" focus $win } } default { set valid 1 } } set valid } # A little test: set x1 12; set x2 345; set x3 -678 label .t1 -text "int (10..92)" entry .e1 -textvariable x1 -validate all -vcmd {validInteger %W %V %P +10 +92} label .t2 -text "int (-256..+1024)" entry .e2 -textvariable x2 -validate all -vcmd {validInteger %W %V %P +1024 -256} label .t3 -text "int (-768..0)" entry .e3 -textvariable x3 -validate all -vcmd {validInteger %W %V %P -768 0} grid .t1 .e1 grid .t2 .e2 grid .t3 .e3 ---- ---- Other examples appear in "[Entry Field Processing]".