Version 39 of Diagram

Updated 2012-09-03 02:40:16 by RLE

The tk canvas is a great widget: it is extremely flexible and allows you to implement all-you-could-imagine on top of it.

Consider a graphical editor in which the user edits a diagram composed of some objects (UML entities, ER entities, etc) and connectors that links these objects. In these situations, the implementor can write the diagram code directly in a tk canvas. While writing GNU Ferret ( ) I felt the need for a library that supports diagrams on tk. So i wrote diagram.tcl

LV 2007 Aug 30 What ever happened to ferret? The web page you mention seems to have almost no information from the mailing list archives, promises of a new release in November of 2006, discussions of a rewrite and work towards version 1.0.0, etc.)

Is the Tk library for ferret distributed with ferret?

I dont have too much time now to work in Ferret (I devote most of my time to ). But I continue working on it from time to time! I definitely want to finish the program. -- Jose E. Marchesi

A diagram is composed of objects and connectors. Objects are composed of an arbitrary number of tagged canvas elements (text, lines, rectangles, etc). When you declare a new object, you also set a shape for it: rectangle, ovoid, romboid, etc. The shape does not need to be visible. Connectors are orthogonal editable paths of lines connecting diagram objects.

Download the diagram package at:

You can download some documentation from

If you use diagram.tcl on your programs, i would like to hear any constructive comment about the library. Please, tell me about it at jemarch(at) or drop a note on this wiki page. Thanks! ;)

Usage example (double click on the connector lines ;)):

  # This code is in the public domain
  lappend auto_path .
  package require BWidget
  package require diagram
  ### Global Variables
  set object_counter 0
  set connector_counter 0
  set connected_object_1 {}
  set minimap_visible 0

  ### The minimap (or scroll map)
  proc toggle_mini_map_view {} {

    variable minimap_visible

    if {$minimap_visible} then {
       ;# Make the minimap
       diagram::create_scroll_minimap test_diag
       diagram::update_scroll_minimap test_diag
    } else {
       ;# Destroy the minimap
       diagram::destroy_scroll_minimap test_diag 
  ### Drawing routines (object contents) 
  proc rectangle_drawproc {dname oname location type} {
    set canvas [diagram::get_canvas $dname]
    # Draw some elements on this object
    $canvas create rectangle \
        [expr [diagram::px $location] + 5] [expr [diagram::py $location] + 5] \
        [expr [diagram::px $location] + 95] [expr [diagram::py $location] + 95] \
        -fill grey \
        -tags [list $dname $oname ${oname}]

    # Bind for movement
    $canvas bind ${oname} <Button-1> \
        [list diagram::mark_drag_object $dname $oname %x %y]
    $canvas bind ${oname} <B1-Motion> \
        [list diagram::drag_object $dname $oname %x %y]

    # Return the new geometry of this object
    return [list \
                $location \
                [diagram::point [expr [diagram::px $location] + 100] \
                     [expr [diagram::py $location] + 100]]]

  proc circle_drawproc {dname oname location type} {

    set canvas [diagram::get_canvas $dname]
    # Draw some elements on this object
    $canvas create oval \
        [expr [diagram::px $location] + 5] [expr [diagram::py $location] + 5] \
        [expr [diagram::px $location] + 95] [expr [diagram::py $location] + 95] \
        -fill grey \
        -tags [list $dname $oname]

    # Bind for movement
    $canvas bind ${oname} <Button-1> \
        [list diagram::mark_drag_object $dname $oname %x %y]
    $canvas bind ${oname} <B1-Motion> \
        [list diagram::drag_object $dname $oname %x %y]
    # Return the new geometry of this object
    return [list \
                $location \
                [diagram::point [expr [diagram::px $location] + 100] \
                     [expr [diagram::py $location] + 100]]]
  proc romboid_drawproc {dname oname location type} {

    set canvas [diagram::get_canvas $dname]

    # Get the diagram canvas
    set c [diagram::get_canvas test_diag]

    # Draw some elements on this object
    set ulp [diagram::point \
                 [expr [diagram::px $location] + 5] \
                 [expr [diagram::py $location] + 5]]
    set lrp [diagram::point \
                 [expr [diagram::px $location] + 95] \
                 [expr [diagram::py $location] + 95]]
    $c create polygon \
            [expr [diagram::px $ulp] + (([diagram::px $lrp] - [diagram::px $ulp]) / 2)] [diagram::py $ulp] \
            [diagram::px $ulp] [expr [diagram::py $lrp] + (([diagram::py $ulp] - [diagram::py $lrp]) / 2)] \
            [diagram::px $ulp] [expr [diagram::py $lrp] + (([diagram::py $ulp] - [diagram::py $lrp]) / 2)] \
            [expr [diagram::px $ulp] + (([diagram::px $lrp] - [diagram::px $ulp]) / 2)] [diagram::py $lrp] \
            [expr [diagram::px $ulp] + (([diagram::px $lrp] - [diagram::px $ulp]) / 2)] [diagram::py $lrp] \
            [diagram::px $lrp] [expr [diagram::py $ulp] + (([diagram::py $lrp] - [diagram::py $ulp]) / 2)] \
            [diagram::px $lrp] [expr [diagram::py $ulp] + (([diagram::py $lrp] - [diagram::py $ulp]) / 2)] \
            [expr [diagram::px $ulp] + (([diagram::px $lrp] - [diagram::px $ulp]) / 2)] [diagram::py $ulp] \
        -fill grey -tags [list $dname $oname]

    # Bind for movement
    $canvas bind ${oname} <Button-1> \
        [list diagram::mark_drag_object $dname $oname %x %y]
    $canvas bind ${oname} <B1-Motion> \
        [list diagram::drag_object $dname $oname %x %y]
    # Return the new geometry of this object
    return [list \
                $location \
                [diagram::point [expr [diagram::px $location] + 100] \
                     [expr [diagram::py $location] + 100]]]
  ### Manipulation of the modal state of the diagram
  proc select_mode {} {
    ;# Get the canvas of the diagram
    set c [diagram::get_canvas test_diag]

    ;# Remove any canvas-level binding
    bind $c <Button-1> {}

    ;# Change the cursor
    $c configure -cursor ""
  proc new_connector_mode1 {} {
    ;# Get the canvas of the diagram
    set c [diagram::get_canvas test_diag]

    ;# Bind the diagram to select the first connected object
    bind $c <Button-1> [list new_connector_1 %x %y]

    ;# Change the cursor
    $c configure -cursor left_side
  proc new_connector_mode2 {} {
    ;# Get the canvas of the diagram
    set c [diagram::get_canvas test_diag]
    ;# Bind the diagram to select the second connected object
    bind $c <Button-1> [list new_connector_2 %x %y]
    ;# Change the cursor
    $c configure -cursor right_side
  proc new_element_mode {element_type} {

    ;# Get the canvas of the diagram
    set c [diagram::get_canvas test_diag]
    ;# Bind the insert procedure depending of the element type
    bind $c <Button-1> [list new_object %x %y $element_type]
    ;# Change the cursor
    $c configure -cursor crosshair
  ### Inserting new elements
  proc new_connector_1 {xpos ypos} {
    variable connected_object_1
    ;# Get the canvas of the diagram
    set c [diagram::get_canvas test_diag]
    ;# Correct coords
    set xpos [$c canvasx $xpos]
    set ypos [$c canvasy $ypos]
    ;# Get the canvas object behind the mouse pointer
    set selected_object [lindex [$c find overlapping $xpos $ypos $xpos $ypos] 0]
    if {$selected_object == ""} then {
        ;# No object => do nothing
    set object_name {}
    set sotags [$c gettags $selected_object]
    foreach tag $sotags {
        if {[string match {rectangle*} $tag] ||
            [string match {circle*} $tag] ||
            [string match {romboid*} $tag]} then {
            ;# This is an object
            set object_name $tag
    if {$object_name == ""} {
        ;# No object

    ;# Save the name of the first object to connect on
    ;# global data
    set connected_object_1 $object_name
    ;# Change the state
  proc new_connector_2 {xpos ypos} {
    variable connected_object_1
    variable connector_counter
    ;# Get the canvas of the diagram
    set c [diagram::get_canvas test_diag]
    ;# Correct coords
    set xpos [$c canvasx $xpos]
    set ypos [$c canvasy $ypos]
    ;# Get the canvas object behind the mouse pointer
    set selected_object [lindex [$c find overlapping $xpos $ypos $xpos $ypos] 0]
    if {$selected_object == ""} then {
        ;# No object => do nothing
    set object_name {}
    set sotags [$c gettags $selected_object]
    foreach tag $sotags {
        if {[string match {rectangle*} $tag] ||
            [string match {circle*} $tag] ||
            [string match {romboid*} $tag]} then {
            ;# This is an object
            set object_name $tag
    if {$object_name == ""} {
        ;# No object
    ;# Create a new connector between object1 and object2
    set cname "connector[incr connector_counter]"
    diagram::create_connector test_diag \
        $cname \
        $connected_object_1 $object_name \
        $cname {} {}
    ;# Redraw it
    diagram::redraw_connector test_diag $cname
    ;# Change the state

  proc new_object {xpos ypos type} {
    variable object_counter
    ;# Get the diagram canvas
    set c [diagram::get_canvas test_diag]
    ;# Correct coords
    set xpos [$c canvasx $xpos]
    set ypos [$c canvasy $ypos]
    ;# Create a new diagram object
    set object_name "$type[incr object_counter]"
    diagram::create_object test_diag \
        $object_name \
        $type \
        ${type}_drawproc \
        [list $xpos $ypos]
    ;# Make the object visible
    diagram::update_object test_diag $object_name
    ;# Return to selection mode

  ### Saving and loading diagrams

  proc save_diagram {} {

    set filetypes {{"Diagram demo file" {.ddf}}}
    set save_file [tk_getSaveFile -initialdir "." \
                       -filetypes $filetypes -title "Save diagram"]

    if {$save_file == ""} then {

    ;# Output the diagram as xml
    set fout [open $save_file w]
    puts -nonewline $fout [diagram::export_xml test_diag]
    close $fout

  proc load_diagram {} {

    set filetypes {{"Diagram demo file" {.ddf}}}
    set load_file [tk_getOpenFile -initialdir "." \
                       -filetypes $filetypes -title "Load diagram"]

    if {$load_file == ""} then {
    ;# Destroy the actual diagram
    diagram::destroy_diagram test_diag
    destroy .d

    ;# Import the xml of the loaded diagram
    set fin [open $load_file r]
    diagram::import_xml .d [read -nonewline $fin]
    close $fin

    pack .d -fill both -expand true

  ### Launch the demo
  # Set up the GUI
  frame .buttonbar
  button .buttonbar.insert_rectangle \
    -text "Rectangle" \
    -command [list new_element_mode rectangle]
  button .buttonbar.insert_circle \
    -text "Circle" \
    -command [list new_element_mode circle]
  button .buttonbar.insert_romboid \
    -text "Romboid" \
    -command [list new_element_mode romboid]
  button .buttonbar.insert_connector \
    -text "Connect two objects" \
    -command [list new_connector_mode1]
  checkbutton .buttonbar.minimap_check \
    -variable minimap_visible \
    -command toggle_mini_map_view
  label .buttonbar.minimap_label \
    -text "toggle mini map"
  button .buttonbar.save_diagram \
    -text "Save this diagram to a file" \
    -command [list save_diagram]
  button .buttonbar.load_diagram \
    -text "Load a diagram from a file" \
    -command [list load_diagram]

  pack .buttonbar.insert_rectangle \
    .buttonbar.insert_circle \
    .buttonbar.insert_romboid \
    .buttonbar.insert_connector \
    .buttonbar.minimap_check \
    .buttonbar.minimap_label \
    .buttonbar.save_diagram \
    .buttonbar.load_diagram \
    -side left
  pack .buttonbar -side top

  # Create a new diagram
  diagram::create_diagram test_diag .d
  pack .d -fill both -expand true

ARR (30 august 2007) Fixed two bugs in example: removed double lines in save and load procs. It works fine now.

See for info on the tklib diagram module.

Are there demos for it?

AM (18 january 2007) Yes, there are a couple of examples in the examples/diagram directory.

See also: