Version 23 of Datatype impedance mismatch between Tcl and SQLite

Updated 2007-06-20 01:21:53 by drh

SQLite is an embedded, serverless SQL database engine that has a long and intimate relationship to Tcl. In fact, the author of SQLite says that SQLite is really a TCL extension that broke loss and drifted out into the larger world of open-source software.

Of particular interest in the Tcl to SQLite interface is the way that TCL variables can be inserted into SQL statements using Tcl-like syntax. Suppose you have a TCL variable named "$bigstring" that you want to insert into an SQL table. You can say this:

   db eval {INSERT INTO t1 VALUES($bigstring)}

SQLite sees the $bigstring in the middle of the INSERT statement (notice that the entire INSERT statement is enclosed in {...} so that TCL does no variable substitution itself) then asks TCL for the value of the $bigstring variable and inserts that value directly. This is much easier and faster than trying to insert the text of $bigstring directly into in the INSERT statement:

   db eval "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES([string map {' ''} $bigstring])"

Is there any doubt that the first method is easier to read and less prone to programming errors? And because it does not make unnecessary copies of the content of $bigstring, the first method is also much faster.

The problem is that in order to pull off this feat of magic, the TCL interface to SQLite has to do something that is considered bad style in the TCL world: SQLite checks to see the current representation of the value in $bigstring, whether or not it is a string, integer, wide-int, floating point value, or "bytearray", and it binds different datatypes to SQLite depending on what it sees.

The problem boils down to this: TCL has only a single datatype which is "string". The dual-representation mechanism in TCL is a behind-the-scenes cache that the programmer is never suppose to know about and whose only purpose is to make things run faster. But SQLite, on the other hand, does have a programmer-visible concept of datatypes. SQLite understands strings, BLOBs, integers, floating-point values, and NULL. And so there is a bit of an "impedance mismatch" in the type systems of SQLite and TCL. The interface mostly covers up this mismatch so that often the programmer is never aware of it. But sometimes the impedance mismatch doe surface and cause problems. And so a programmer that uses SQLite and TCL frequently and for large projects should probably be aware of the issue.

When transfering values from TCL into SQLite using the $-substitution mechanism shown in the first example above, SQLite looks at the alternative (non-string) representation of the TCL variable (if it exists) and uses that alternative representation to help decide what datatype to insert into SQLite.

1. If the alternative representation is "boolean" or "int" or "wideInt" then the value is inserted into SQLite as a 64-bit integer 2. If the alternative representation is "double" then the value is inserted into SQLite as a double. 3. If the alternative representation is "bytearray" and there is no string representation, then the value inserted into SQLite as a BLOB. 4. If the variable does not exist, a NULL is inserted 5. Otherwise, the string representation is inserted as a string.