Tcl provides several commands which create commands and script evaluation contexts. The purpose of this page is to enumerate and classify those commands. * [[[proc]]] creates a Tcl script based procedure (function) which can be defined to have a fixed or variable number arguments, with default values for the fixed arguments. * [[[apply]]] creates an anonymous command * [[[interp] create]] creates a named slave interp command * [[[interp] alias]] creates a named alias to another command * [[[thread] create]] creates an opaque token associated with a thread * [[[namespace ensemble]]] creates a namespace command from a namespace * [[[class] create] creates a named class command * [[$class create]] creates an opaquely named object instance command * [[[coroutine]]] creates a named coroutine command * [Tcl_CreateObjCommand] (and friends, see manual pages [], [], []) is the C API for creating a command object in a specific Tcl interpreter. ---- %|generator|cmd?|#args|invocation|destructor|rename?|% &|proc|yes|any|by name||yes|& &|[coroutine]|yes|1|by name||yes|& &|Tcl_CreateObjCommand|yes|any|by name|''see man page []''|yes|& &|[namespace] ensemble|yes|any|by name|[namespace] delete|yes|& &|class create|yes|any|by name|$class destroy|yes|& &|$class create|yes|any|by name|$obj destroy|yes|& &|interp alias|yes|any|by name|interp alias|yes|& &|interp create|yes|any|$interp eval|$interp destroy|yes|& &|thread::create|no|any|thread::send|thread::release|no|& &|apply|no|any|by reference|''implicit''|no|& Legend for above table: %|Column|Description|% &|generator|what command generates an instance of this form?|& &|cmd?|does this form construct a command?|& &|#args|how many args does the '''constructed''' form take?|& &|invocation|how is this form invoked?|& &|destructor|what explicit destructor disposes of this form?|& &|rename?|does [[rename $name {}] destroy this form?|& ---- ** Observations ** The generation of commands appears to be a means of invoking the form and of controlling the resources associated with the form. There are two exceptions: In the case of [apply], resources are associated with a value, and the lifetime of the generated form is tied to that of the value. In the case of [thread], explicit refcounting is employed ([MS] '''I wonder about this: is it a bug?'''). In all other cases [[[rename] $name {}] destroys both the command and its associated form. In the case of [namespace ensemble]s, that is the ''main'' method of destroying the command (that it gets destroyed when the namespace is destroyed is more of a side-effect; also note that several ensembles can have the same namespace). [MS] notes that all 1-commands are 2-commands, independently of the the way a 1-command was created. Under the covers, they are all created by Tcl_CreateObjCommand (or one of its brethren). In particular: all 1- and 2-commands are invoked by name, and all 1- and 2-commands are destroyed by [rename]ing them to {}. (Here, a 1-command is a conceptual command as described by this Wiki page, and a 2-command is a mundane Tcl command. Things get tricky when we use the same word to describe two extremely closely related but not precisely identical concepts!) ** Irregularities ** [interp]-created commands duplicate functionality available through [interp], to control interp resources. It would be more consistent with the other forms if $interp args were passed directly into the interp as if [[interp eval]]'d. [coroutine]-created commands are the only forms restricted to single args. [NEM] notes that coroutines are not general commands, but rather a communication and concurrency primitive. The nearest equivalent are channels, which do indeed take only a single argument (via [puts]). [AMG]: With both coroutines and channels, you can create wrapper procs to encode/decode the communication protocol. For coroutines, the protocol is datagram-oriented: each datagram is one Tcl word. For channels, the protocol is stream-oriented. ([NEM] Umm... coroutines are more like streams than datagrams). [AMG]: How are they like streams? Data is delivered to coroutines exactly one packet at a time, whereas stream-oriented protocols deliver variable numbers of characters. It's possible to build one type of protocol on top of the other, but there's a fundamental difference at the low level. [NEM] datagram protocols are usually fixed size packets, require explicit addressing, no prior set up of a "channel" and are unreliable. None of these things apply to coroutines. The coro command and [yield] are fairly direct analogues of [puts] and [gets], with the exception that send/recv must occur in a strict interleaving. [Lars H]: Still, now that coroutines are commands, they might as well try to act like it. Had the intention been that they should ''only'' be a "communication and concurrency primitive", then an ensemble like [chan] with subcommand such as * '''coroutine create''' ''cmd'' ?''arg'' ...? —— née [coroutine] * '''coroutine interact''' ''coro'' ?''datagram''? —— née ''coro ?datagram?'' * '''coroutine destroy''' ''coro'' —— née [rename] ''coro'' "" * '''coroutine exists''' ''coro'' —— née `string length [[namespace which `''coro''`]]` * '''coroutine current''' —— née [info coroutine] * '''coroutine eval''' ''coro'' ''script'' —— "[uplevel] into a coroutine", doesn't exist (yet) would seem more appropriate. [NEM] is perfectly happy with that change, but would be interested in what way coroutines ''are not'' like commands, given that they are commands. The argument instead seems to be that [coroutine] is like [proc] so it should act like [proc] (rather than ''a'' particular proc). I reject the premise of that argument (lack of a parameter list for one). [Lars H]: "Not like commands" — well, that would be [CMcC]'s original quandry of why they should be restricted to taking only one argument, when there is no other class of commands that are so restricted. Your reason for why things should stay as they are was pretty much that one shouldn't think of coroutines as commands, and that's were I jumped on. [NEM] There is the obvious class of commands that take one arg (eg 1 arg procedures). The argument is that no command ''creator'' generates only single arg commands, therefore coroutines should accept more than one arg. I think this is a straw man. If the argument is that the [coroutine] command should work more like [proc] and take a parameter list, then I would be interested in that. However, given it is simple to combine a coro with a proc currently, I'd like to see some compelling use cases for conflating their functionality. [AMG]: Would [[coroutine create ''cmd ...'']] create a command such that [[''coro ?datagram?'']] behaves the same as [[coroutine interact ''coro ?datagram?'']]? I assume ''coro'' would be the return value of [[coroutine create]]. Also, would it be possible to use [rename] to give the coroutine command a specific name? If so, would it be possible to pass the new name as the ''coro'' argument? ''[Lars H]: In analogy with [channel]s, I imagined '''coroutine create''' to merely return a token, not create an accompanying command. This is just a "what if coroutines had been patterned after streams rather than subroutines" fantasy, provided as a test of NEM's claim that they actually were.'' I wonder about [[coroutine eval]]. It can currently be implemented by passing the script as the argument to the ''coro'' command, but the coroutine has to be designed to expect [yield] to return a script to [eval]. If that's not the only thing that the coroutine can do, the argument to the ''coro'' command would have to be tagged, e.g. [[''coro'' {script {puts moo}}]]. If the coroutine is already designed for this, [[coroutine eval]] adds no new functionality; if the coroutine is not designed for this, [[coroutine eval]] probably doesn't make sense anyway. What happens when the eval'ed script completes? Is the interpreter result value yielded? Does this process affect the "instruction pointer" of the coroutine's execution frame? Speaking of yield, how about changing [[yield]] to [[coroutine yield]], since it's only valid inside a coroutine anyway? coroutines are different from the other types of commands in that they cannot take more than one argument. It's possible to cram any amount of data into that one argument, but this restriction does make it impossible to use them directly in a seamless implementation of common Tcl-style ensembles, options, command prefixes, etc. To smooth over this impedance mismatch, it's necessary to wrap coroutines with a proc that encodes its args into a list, and to do similar decoding on the return value of [[yield]]. Hmm, something came to mind. There's no reason why this wrapper proc has to be customized for the specific coroutine. Just do this: ====== proc invokecoro {coro args} { $coro $args } ====== Now any coroutine that expects [[yield]] to return a list can be called with multiple arguments. The "function" (in the sense described by [Higher order TIP discuss] and []) is a two-element list: the word "invokecoro" followed by the word that was the first argument to [[coroutine]]. Here's some craziness for you: ====== namespace eval frobozz_impl { namespace ensemble create -subcommands {print fprint crash math} proc print {args} {puts $args} proc fprint {channel args} {puts $channel $args} proc crash {} {error "oh no!"} proc math {args} {expr [concat $args]} } proc frobozz {} { set return [frobozz_impl {*}[yield]] while {true} { set return [frobozz_impl {*}[yield $return]] } } coroutine wingnut frobozz invokecoro wingnut print hello world invokecoro wingnut fprint stderr hello world invokecoro wingnut math 2 + 2 ====== I think this discussion might need to be merged into [multi-arg coroutines]. [NEM] Yes, your invokecoro is discussed on that page as apply-list, and in the original TIP (which seems not to have been read much) as resume []. [CMcC] What things 'are' is the opposite of abstraction. Programs 'are' just a bunch of bits, but we don't program in binary. One of the interesting things about computers is that they allow you to simulate more abstract things using less abstract things. In this case, if we take NEM's word, one can simulate generalised commands using coroutines. Except that, (almost) uniquely, coroutines pass only one arg. <> Internals