[CMcC] 4Jun2010 Config.tcl uses [parsetcl] to parse, then regenerate (I hesitate to say 'compile', but that is in fact what it is) a Tcl-like [little language] for configuration. The little language looks like: section-name {section} where the section is a Tcl script whose command-part is the name of a section variable and whose single argument is its value. Values may contain arbitrary commands and comments, and may refer to section-local variables, fully-namespace qualified variables and section-qualified variables. In short, it looks a lot like a Windows .ini file, but has Tcl syntax. Yay! Enjoy! Thank you, [Lars H], for [parsetcl], which made this possible. A version of the parsetcl script may be found here: http://abel.math.umu.se/~lars/tcl/parsetcl.tcl ====== # Config.tcl - support tcl-like config files if {[info exists argv0] && ($argv0 eq [info script])} { lappend auto_path ~/Desktop/Work/Wub/ [file dirname [info script]] } if {[catch {package require Debug}]} { #proc Debug.config {args} {} proc Debug.config {args} {puts stderr HTTP@[uplevel subst $args]} } else { Debug define config 10 } package require parsetcl package provide Config 1.0 namespace eval parsetcl { proc unparse {tree} { eval $tree } # Lr - literal raw proc Lr {interval text args} { return $text } # Lb - literal braced proc Lb {interval text args} { return \{$text\} } # Lb - literal quoted proc Lq {interval text args} { return \"$text\" } # Sb - backslash substitution proc Sb {interval text args} { return "\\$text" } # Sv - scalar variable substitution proc Sv {interval text args} { return "\$[eval [lindex $args 0]]" } # Sa - array variable substitution proc Sa {interval text args} { foreach a [lrange $args 1 end] { append result [eval $a] } return "\$[eval [lindex $args 0]]($result)" } # Sc - command substitution proc Sc {interval text args} { set cmd {} foreach a $args { lappend cmd [eval $a] } return "\[[join $cmd]\]" } # Mr - raw merge proc Mr {interval text args} { foreach a $args { append result [eval $a] } return $result } # Mq - quoted merge proc Mq {interval text args} { foreach a $args { append result [eval $a] } return \"$result\" } # Mb - braced merge proc Mb {interval text args} { foreach a $args { append result [eval $a] } return \{$result\} } # Cd - complete command sans {*} proc Cd {interval text args} { set cmd {} foreach a $args { lappend cmd [eval $a] } return [join $cmd] } # Cx - {*}-construct proc Cx {interval text args} { set c {} foreach a $args { lappend c [eval $a] } return \{*\}[join $c] } # Ce - complete commands with {*}-constructs proc Ce {interval text args} { set c {} foreach a $args { lappend c [eval $a] } return [join $c] } # Cp - command prefix in Ce node proc Cp {interval text args} { set c {} foreach a $args { lappend c [eval $a] } return [join $c] } # Cr - non-prefix range of command words in a Ce node proc Cr {interval text args} { set c {} foreach a $args { lappend c [eval $a] } return [join $c] } # Rs - script - each arg is a command proc Rs {interval text args} { set cmd {} foreach a $args { lappend cmd [eval $a] } return "\{\n[join $cmd \n]\n\}" } # Rx - parsed expr proc Rx {interval text args} { set cmd {} foreach a $args { lappend cmd [eval $a] } return "\{\n[join $cmd]\n\}" } namespace export -clear * namespace ensemble create -subcommands {} } oo::class create Config { method parse {script} { set parse [parsetcl simple_parse_script $script] #puts stderr "Parse: $parse" #puts stderr "Format: [parsetcl format_tree $parse { } { }]" #puts stderr "UnParse: [parsetcl unparse $parse]" set rendered {} parsetcl walk_tree parse index Cd { # body #puts stderr "walk: [lindex $parse {*}$index]" set cmd [lindex $parse {*}$index] lassign $cmd . . . left right set ll [parsetcl unparse $left] if {![string match L* [lindex $left 0]]} { error "section name '$ll' must be a literal ($left)" } if {[llength $cmd] != 5} { error "section $ll must have one argument only" } # get body set body [parsetcl simple_parse_script [lindex [parsetcl unparse $right] 0]] set NS [info object namespace [self]] # perform variable rewrite parsetcl walk_tree body bi Sv { set s [lindex $body {*}$bi 3 2] if {![string match ::* $s] && [string match *::* $s]} { # this is section-relative var - we need to make a fully qualified NS set s "${NS}::_C::$s" lset body {*}$bi 3 2 $s } #puts stderr "VAR: $s" } # perform script transformation set rb "" parsetcl walk_tree body bi Rs {} C.* { set bcmd [lindex $body {*}$bi] lassign $bcmd . . . bl br if {[llength $bi] == 1} { set bll [parsetcl unparse $bl] if {![string match L* [lindex $bl 0]]} { error "section name '$bll' must be a literal ($bl)" } if {[llength $bcmd] != 5} { error "section $bll must have one argument only" } set brl [parsetcl unparse $br] #puts stderr "BCMD $bi: ($bl) ($br) '$brl'" lappend rb "variable $bll $brl" } elseif {[parsetcl unparse $bl] eq "expr"} { #puts stderr "EXPR: ($br) -> ([parsetcl parse_semiwords [parsetcl unparse $br]])" } } lappend rendered "namespace eval $ll [list [join $rb \;]]" } C.* { error "Don't know how to handle [lindex $parse {*}$index]" } set rendered [join $rendered \;] #puts stderr "RENDERED: $rendered" namespace eval _C $rendered return $parse } method extract {} { set result {} foreach ns [namespace children _C] { foreach var [info vars ${ns}::*] { dict set result [namespace tail $ns] [namespace tail $var] [set $var] } } return $result } constructor {args} { Debug.config {Creating Config [self] $args} if {[llength $args]%2} { set cf [lindex $args end] set args [lrange $args 0 end-1] dict set args config $cf } variable config "" variable {*}$args catch {set args [dict merge [Site var? Config] $args]} ;# allow .ini file to modify defaults my eval $config } } if {[info exists argv0] && ($argv0 eq [info script])} { Debug on config 10 Config create config config parse { section { var val ;# this is a variable var1 val1 v1 2 v2 [expr {$v1 ^ 2}] } sect1 { v1 [expr {$section::v1 ^ 10}] ap [list moop {*}$::auto_path] } } puts stderr "DICT: [config extract]" } ====== <> Parsing