Version 10 of Collapse

Updated 2009-01-19 16:43:33 by gold

Keith Vetter 2003-10-31 : here's an addictive little arcade type game similar to Gem Game (in fact I reused most of its code) based on a applet at [L1 ].

The object of the games is to collapse the rising blocks to get as many points as possible. You click on a colored block and if it has three or more neighbors of the same color, they explode and the blocks above collapse down. But as your exploding blocks, new lines of blocks are being added.

I'm not quite done with the code, a few final touches are needed and perhaps people here might have some suggestions. Two things in particular come to mind: 1) a better visual indicator of how much time before a new row appears, and 2) some sort of end of level bonus probably based either on height or number of blocks, along with some cute visual display.

It's a fun little game, enjoy.

KPV 2003-11-04 : puts some finishing touches on this game: end of round bonuses, new levels, and better visual for the new line.

male 2003-11-21:

First, when the game is over, and I want to restart, to start a new game, then the "game over" in the screen won't disappear and every click inside the screen won't cause collapse/slide actions.

Second, toggling the pause button won't everytime cause a pause.

The First problem is change inside the source.

HJG when pause is activated during LevelOverAnimation, it gets reset when the next level starts

The "pocket edition" is at Collapse (iPaq) :-)

 # Collapse
 # by Keith Vetter -- October 2003
 # KPV  Oct 30, 2003 - Initial revision starting with gemgame code
 # KPV  Nov 04, 2003 - EOR bonus, new row count down display, new levels
 # male Nov 21, 2003 - Game Over canvas items with tags, delete
 #                     in NewGame
 # TODO:
 #   bombs

 package require Tk 8.4

 array set S {title "Collapse" version 1.0 cols 12 rows 15 cell 27
    delay 10 mute 0 numSteps 4 level 1 ticks 13}
 set S(rowsX) [expr {$S(rows) - 1}]

 array set LEVEL {
    1 {srows  4 tiles 3 newRow 5000 lines 25}
    2 {srows  5 tiles 3 newRow 4000 lines 30}
    3 {srows  7 tiles 3 newRow 2000 lines 30}
    4 {srows  7 tiles 3 newRow 1000 lines 30}
    5 {srows  8 tiles 3 newRow 1000 lines 35}
    6 {srows  9 tiles 3 newRow 1000 lines 40}
    7 {srows 10 tiles 3 newRow 1000 lines 45}
    8 {srows  3 tiles 3 newRow  700 lines 20}
    9 {srows  4 tiles 3 newRow  700 lines 25}
   10 {srows  5 tiles 3 newRow  700 lines 25}
   11 {srows  4 tiles 4 newRow 4000 lines 25}

 proc DoDisplay {} {
    global S
    wm title . $S(title)
    set w [expr {$S(cell) * $S(cols) + 5}]
    set h [expr {$S(cell) * $S(rows) + 5}]


    option add *Label.background black
    frame .ctrl -relief ridge -bd 2 -bg black
    canvas .c -relief ridge -bg black -height $h -width $w \
        -highlightthickness 0 -bd 2 -relief raised
    canvas .cc -relief ridge -bg black -height [expr {5 + $S(cell)}] -width $w \
        -highlightthickness 0 -bd 2 -relief raised

    label .score -text Score: -fg white
    .score configure  -font "[font actual [.score cget -font]] -weight bold"
    option add *font [.score cget -font]

    label  .vscore  -textvariable S(score) -fg yellow
    label  .vscore2 -textvariable S(score2) -fg yellow
    label  .level   -text Level: -fg white
    label  .vlevel  -textvariable S(level) -fg yellow
    label  .lines   -text "Lines Left:" -fg white
    label  .vlines  -textvariable S(lines) -fg yellow
    button .new     -text "New Game" -command NewGame

    set levels {}
    foreach a [lsort -integer [array names ::LEVEL]] {
        lappend levels "Level $a"
    eval tk_optionMenu .optlvl S(strlvl) $levels
    .optlvl config -highlightthickness 0
    trace variable ::S(strlvl) w Tracer

    checkbutton .mute  -text Mute -variable S(mute) -relief raised -anchor w
    checkbutton .pause -text Pause -variable S(pause) \
        -command {Pause 0} -relief raised -anchor w
    button .about -text About -command About

    pack .ctrl -side left -fill y -ipady 5 -ipadx 5
    pack .c -side top -fill both -expand 1
    pack .cc -side top -fill both -expand 1
    grid .score -in .ctrl -sticky ew -row 1
    grid .vscore -in .ctrl -sticky ew
    grid .vscore2 -in .ctrl -sticky ew
    grid .level -in .ctrl -sticky ew
    grid .vlevel -in .ctrl -sticky ew
    grid .lines -in .ctrl -sticky ew
    grid .vlines -in .ctrl -sticky ew
    grid rowconfigure .ctrl 20 -minsize 10
    grid .new -in .ctrl -sticky ew -row 25 -pady 1
    grid .optlvl -in .ctrl -sticky ew -pady 1
    grid .mute -in .ctrl -sticky ew -pady 1
    grid .pause -in .ctrl -sticky ew -pady 1
    grid rowconfigure .ctrl 50 -weight 1
    grid .about -in .ctrl -row 100 -sticky ew -pady 5

    bind all <F2> {console show}
    bind .c <p> {Pause 1}
    bind .c <P> {Pause 1}
    bind .c <s> [list StartStop 0]
    bind .c <Button-3> {set S(tcnt) 0}

    focus .c

    for {set row 0} {$row < $S(rows)} {incr row} {
        for {set col 0} {$col < $S(cols)} {incr col} {
            .c create image [GetXY $row $col] -tag [list c$row,$col cell]
            .c bind "c$row,$col" <Button-1> [list DoClick $row $col]
    for {set col 0} {$col < $S(cols)} {incr col} {
        .cc create image [GetXY 0 $col] -tag [list c$col cell]
 proc CompressImages {} {
    image create photo ::img::img(0)            ;# Blank image
    foreach id {1 2 3 4} {                      ;# Each image we have
        foreach a {2 3 4} {                     ;# We need narrower images
            image create photo ::img::img($id,$a)
            if {$a == 4} continue
            ::img::img($id,$a) copy ::img::img($id) -subsample $a $a
 proc Tracer {var1 var2 op} {                    ;# Handles level optionMenu
    if {$var2 == "strlvl"} {
        scan $::S(strlvl) "Level %d" level
        if {$level == $::S(level)} return
        set ::S(level) $level
 proc NewGame {} {
    array set ::S {score 0 state 0 score2 "" best 0}
    catch {eval .c delete gameOver;}
    Banner "CLICK TO START"
 proc StartLevel {} {
    global S B BB LEVEL

    StartStop 0
    array set S {busy 0 needRow 0 pause 0}
    if {! [info exists LEVEL($S(level))]} {     ;# Above set levels
        set lvl [expr {$S(level) % 10}]
        if {$lvl == 0} {set lvl 10}
        array set S $LEVEL($lvl)
        set S(tiles) 4                          ;# Always use 4 tiles
    } else {
        array set S $LEVEL($S(level))
        set S(strlvl) "Level $S(level)"
    set S(newRowX) [expr {$S(newRow) / $S(ticks)}] ;# Tick mark interval

    .c delete banner
    .c itemconfig cell -image {}
    array unset B
    set row1 [expr {$S(rowsX) - 4}]

    for {set row -1} {$row < $S(rows)} {incr row} {
        for {set col -1} {$col <= $S(cols)} {incr col} {
            if {$row < 0 || $row == $S(rows) || $col < 0 || $col == $S(cols)} {
                set B($row,$col) -1
            } else {
                set B($row,$col) 0
    for {set col 0} {$col < $S(cols)} {incr col} {
        set BB($col) 0

    for {set i 0} {$i < $S(srows)} {incr i} {
 proc DrawBoard {} {
    global S B

    for {set row 0} {$row < $S(rows)} {incr row} {
        for {set col 0} {$col < $S(cols)} {incr col} {
            .c itemconfig "c$row,$col" -image ::img::img($B($row,$col))
 proc DrawBoard2 {} {                            ;# The new row board
    global S BB
    for {set col 0} {$col < $S(cols)} {incr col} {
        .cc itemconfig c$col -image ::img::img($BB($col))
 proc GetXY {r c} {
    global S
    set x [expr {5 + $c * $S(cell) + $S(cell)/2}]
    set y [expr {5 + $r * $S(cell) + $S(cell)/2}]
    return [list $x $y]
 proc DoClick {row col} {                        ;# Handles mouse clicks
    global S

    if {$S(state) == 0} {
        Banner ""
        StartStop 1
        set S(state) 1
        if {$row == -1} return

    if {$S(state) != 1} return
    if {$S(busy)} return
    set S(busy) 1
    Explode $row $col
    set S(busy) 0
    if {$S(needRow)} NewRow
 proc Explode {r c} {
    set cells [FindNeighbors $r $c]             ;# Find who should explode
    if {$cells == {}} return
    if {! $::S(mute)} {catch { snd_ok play }}

    # Update our score
    set cnt [llength $cells]
    set n [expr {$cnt * $cnt}]
    incr ::S(score) $n
    set ::S(score2) ""                          ;# Show special scores
    if {$cnt > 3} {set ::S(score2) "($n)"}

    ExplodeCells $cells                         ;# Do the explosion affect
    CollapseCells                               ;# Move cells down
    CompactCells                                ;# Move cells inward

    if {[IsEmpty]} {
        incr ::S(score) 1000
        Banner "1000 POINT BONUS"
        after 1000 [list Banner ""]
 proc FindNeighbors {row col} {                  ;# Find all triplets and up
    global S B

    # We'll do a flood fill (bfs) to find connected components
    set q [list $row $col]                      ;# Our BFS queue
    set qhead 0                                 ;# Head of the queue

    array unset neighbors                       ;# Whose in our neighborhood
    set neighbors($row,$col) 1                  ;# We're in our own neighborhood
    set type $B($row,$col)                      ;# Type of our neighborhood
    set cnt 1

    while {[llength $q] > $qhead} {             ;# While stuff in the queue
        foreach {r c} [lrange $q $qhead [incr qhead]] break
        incr qhead

        foreach {dr dc} {-1 0 1 0 0 -1 0 1} {   ;# Look n,s,e & w
            set r1 [expr {$r + $dr}]
            set c1 [expr {$c + $dc}]
            if {[info exists neighbors($r1,$c1)]} continue ;# Already seen
            if {$B($r1,$c1) != $type} continue  ;# Wrong type

            set neighbors($r1,$c1) 1            ;# Another neighbor
            lappend q $r1 $c1                   ;# Add to our BFS
            incr cnt
    if {$cnt < 3} {return {}}
    return [array names neighbors]
 proc ExplodeCells {cells} {
    foreach stage {2 3 4} {
        foreach who $cells {
            .c itemconfig c$who -image ::img::img($::B($who),$stage)
            if {$stage == 4} {set ::B($who) 0}
        after [expr {$::S(delay)}]
 proc CollapseCells {} {
    global B S

    while {1} {                                 ;# Stop when nothing slides
        set sliders {}
        for {set col 0} {$col < $S(cols)} {incr col} {
            set collapse 0
            for {set row $S(rowsX)} {$row >= 0} {incr row -1} {
                if {$B($row,$col) == -1} break
                if {$B($row,$col) == 0} {
                    set collapse 1
                } elseif {$collapse} {
                    lappend sliders $row $col y
        if {$sliders == {}} break
        SlideCells $sliders
 proc CompactCells {} {
    global B S

    array set ::BB [array get B]
    set ROW $S(rowsX)
    set COL [expr {int($S(cols) / 2)}]
    while {1} {                                 ;# Stop when nothing slides
        set sliders {}

        # Check the slide to the right columns
        set cols {}
        for {set col 0} {$col < $COL} {incr col} {
            if {$B($ROW,$col) <= 0} {
                foreach c $cols {
                    for {set row $ROW} {$row >= 0} {incr row -1} {
                        if {$B($row,$c) <= 0} break
                        lappend sliders $row $c x
                set cols {}
            } else {
                lappend cols $col

        # Check the slide to the left columns
        set cols {}
        for {set col [expr {$S(cols) - 1}]} {$col >= $COL} {incr col -1} {
            if {$B($ROW,$col) <= 0} {
                foreach c $cols {
                    for {set row $ROW} {$row >= 0} {incr row -1} {
                        if {$B($row,$c) <= 0} break
                        lappend sliders $row $c xx
                set cols {}
            } else {
                lappend cols $col

        if {$sliders == {}} break
        SlideCells $sliders
 # SlideCells -- move a set of cells one unit in a specified direction.
 # Tricky part is NOT losing the correct binding for cell X,Y. Thus we
 # first blank the real image and replace it with a temporary one which
 # we slide. DrawBoard will put the correct image back in place.
 proc SlideCells {cells} {
    foreach {r c dir} $cells {
        .c itemconfig c$r,$c -image {}
        set M($r,$c) $::B($r,$c)
        set ::B($r,$c) 0
        .c create image [GetXY $r $c] -image ::img::img($M($r,$c)) \
            -tag slider$dir
    .c raise banner
    set dx [expr {double($::S(cell)) / $::S(numSteps)}]
    set dy [expr {double($::S(cell)) / $::S(numSteps)}]
    for {set step 0} {$step < $::S(numSteps)} {incr step} {
        .c move slidery 0 $dy
        .c move slideryy 0 -$dy
        .c move sliderx $dx 0
        .c move sliderxx -$dx 0
        after $::S(delay)
    foreach {r c dir} $cells {                  ;# Update board data
        if {$dir == "y"} {
            set ::B([expr {$r+1}],$c) $M($r,$c)
        } elseif {$dir == "yy"} {
            set ::B([expr {$r-1}],$c) $M($r,$c)
        } elseif {$dir == "x"} {
            set ::B($r,[expr {$c+1}]) $M($r,$c)
        } elseif {$dir == "xx"} {
            set ::B($r,[expr {$c-1}]) $M($r,$c)
    .c delete slidery slideryy sliderx sliderxx
 proc NewRow {} {
    global S B

    StartStop 0
    if {$S(busy)} {                             ;# Busy handling mouse click
        set S(needRow) 1                        ;# set flag and leave
    set S(busy) 1

    incr S(lines) -1
    if {$S(lines) == 0} {                       ;# Is the level over yet???
        return [LevelOver]

    # Check for game over
    for {set col 0} {$col < $S(cols)} {incr col} {
        if {$B(0,$col) > 0} {
            return [GameOver]
    StartStop 1

    set S(needRow) 0
    set S(busy) 0
 # UpRow -- Scrolls the screen up one row and adds in another row
 proc UpRow {} {
    global B S BB

    for {set col 0} {$col < $S(cols)} {incr col} {
        if {$BB($col) == 0} {set BB($col) [expr {1 + int(rand() * $S(tiles))}]}

    set sliders {}
    for {set row 1} {$row < $S(rows)} {incr row} {
        for {set col 0} {$col < $S(cols)} {incr col} {
            if {$B($row,$col) == -1} continue
            lappend sliders $row $col yy
    for {set col 0} {$col < $S(cols)} {incr col} {
        set n $BB($col)
        if {$n == 0} {set n [expr {1 + int(rand() * $S(tiles))}]}
        set B($S(rows),$col) $n
        set BB($col) 0
        lappend sliders $S(rows) $col yy
    SlideCells $sliders
    for {set col 0} {$col < $S(cols)} {incr col} {
        set B($S(rows),$col) -1
 proc IsEmpty {} {
    for {set row $::S(rowsX)} {$row >= 0} {incr row -1} {
        for {set col 0} {$col < $::S(cols)} {incr col} {
            if {$::B($row,$col) > 0} {return 0}
    return 1
 proc About {} {
    set msg "$::S(title) v$::S(version)\nby Keith Vetter, October 2003\n"
    append msg "Based on a program by GameHouse\n\n"

    append msg "The object of the game is to collapse the rising blocks\n"
    append msg "to get as many points as possible.\n\n"

    append msg "Score points by clicking on a colored block that has\n"
    append msg "three or more neighbors of the same color. Blocks above\n"
    append msg "the resulting explosion will collapse on the blocks\n"
    append msg "below. The more blocks exploded the higher your score.\n\n"

    append msg "As you play, new lines of blocks will appear. When \n"
    append msg "\"Lines Left\" reaches zero, the level is over and the\n"
    append msg "next level will start.\n"

    tk_messageBox -message $msg
 proc GameOver {{txt "Game Over"}} {
    set ::S(state) 2
    StartStop 0
    .c create rect 0 0 [winfo width .c] [winfo height .c] \
        -fill white -stipple gray25 -tag gameOver
    .c create text [GetXY 4 5] -text $txt -font {Helvetica 28 bold} \
        -fill white -tag gameOver
 proc StartStop {onoff} {
    foreach aid [after info] {after cancel $aid}
    .cc itemconfig cell -image {}
    if {! $onoff} return

    set ::S(tcnt) $::S(ticks)
    after $::S(newRowX) ticker
 proc ticker {} {
    global S BB

    incr S(tcnt) -1
    set col [expr {$S(ticks) - 1 - $S(tcnt)}]

    set BB($col) [expr {1 + int(rand() * $S(tiles))}]

    if {$S(tcnt) <= 0} {
    } else {
        after $S(newRowX) ticker
 proc LevelOver {} {
    global S B

    set S(state) 3                              ;# Level over state
    StartStop 0
    after 3000
    incr S(level)
    set S(state) 1
    StartStop 1
 proc LevelOverAnimation {} {
    global S B

    Banner ""
    for {set row 0} {$row < $S(rows)} {incr row} {
        set bonus [expr {100 + $row*10}]
        incr S(score) $bonus
        Banner "$bonus POINT BONUS"

        for {set col 0} {$col < $S(cols)} {incr col} {
            if {$B($row,$col) > 0} break
            set B($row,$col) 4
            after [expr {$S(delay)}]
        if {$B($row,$col) > 0} break
    after 2000
 # WaitClick -- waits for a click to begin
 proc WaitClick {} {
    set w [winfo width .c]
    set h [winfo height .c]
    .c create rect -10 -10 $w $h -tag scrim -fill black
    .c lower scrim
    .c raise banner
    .c bind banner <Button-1> {DoClick -1 -1}
    .c bind scrim <Button-1> {DoClick -1 -1}
 proc Banner {msg} {
    global S

    .c delete banner scrim
    if {$msg == ""} return

    set x [expr {[winfo width .c] / 2}]
    .c create rect [expr {$x - 100}] 100 [expr {$x + 100}] 200 \
        -tag banner -width 5 -fill black -outline gold
    .c create text $x 175 -tag banner -font {Helvetica 12 bold} \
        -text $msg -anchor c -fill white

    for {set i 0} {$i < 6} {incr i} {
        set xx [expr {$x - (2.5-$i)*$S(cell)}]
        set yy [expr {120 + rand()*$S(cell)}]
        set who [expr {1 + int(rand() * $S(tiles))}]
        .c create image $xx $yy -image ::img::img($who) -tag banner
 proc Pause {byBinding} {
    global S

    if {$byBinding} {                           ;# Button toggles for us
        set S(pause) [expr {! $S(pause)}]

    if {$S(pause) == 1} {                       ;# Pause on
        if {$S(state) != 1} return              ;# Not in play mode
        foreach aid [after info] {after cancel $aid}

        .c create rect 0 0 [winfo width .c] [winfo height .c] \
            -fill black -tag pause
        .c create text [GetXY 4 5] -font {Helvetica 28 bold} \
            -fill white -tag pause -text "PAUSED" -justify center
        .c create text [GetXY 6 5] -font {Helvetica 12 bold} \
            -fill white -tag pause -text "Press p to continue" -justify center
    } else {                                    ;# Pause off
        .c delete pause
        after $::S(newRowX) ticker
 proc DoSounds {} {
    proc snd_ok {play} {}                       ;# Stub
    if {[catch {package require base64}]} return
    if {[catch {package require snack}]} return

    regsub -all {\s} $s(ok) {} sdata            ;# Bug in base64 package
    sound snd_ok
    snd_ok data [::base64::decode $sdata]
 image create photo ::img::img(-1)
 image create photo ::img::img(0)
 image create photo ::img::img(1) -data {
 image create photo ::img::img(2) -data {
 image create photo ::img::img(3) -data {
 image create photo ::img::img(4) -data {


Category Games | Tcl/Tk Games | Category Application