Email: [] '''News''' '''Vote for TCL''' in the OpenOffice developer's survey (sadly you'll have to specify "Tcl" in the [[]] other checkbox :-( as they forgot it..) See at: ---- [jcw] has moved wikit enhancements ideas to the [Ideas for Wikit enhancements] page. Now that I have a bit more time, I am starting to classify them and see how some can be integrated in the current version. More to come soon... ---- The following sections describe 1) why I love TCL :-) and 2) the pages where to go in case you are interested in the development of wikit, the Tcl'ers wiki engine. '''Why Tcl?''' Hello, I have been working with TCL since 1993, mostly for developing at Simulog [], the GUI of a simulation environment named "Open Modline" (and latter OML). It was included tools such as an "Experimenter" [], an "Analyzer" [], and a "Reporter" []. I also used the Tcl format as a Data Interchange Format between the Qnap2 simulation engine and all the tools []. Today, I'm still a big fan of Tcl, even if Java has become more important in my new job at Gemplus [], a Smart Cards [] manufacturer. I have been working on a Java framework for using Smart Cards named OpenCard Framework (OCF), see the web site I have set-up for more details: and the official OCF site: . During three years, I have also been involved in OCF consortium technical committee and have specified its process for work with the help of Gary Ellison, from Sun (see ). My interests are detailed (not very much) in my Advogato ''Personal info'' page: Now that I am working in a new project, I am back to using Tcl because I have set up an internal wiki for the project. I started from [Jean-Claude Wippler]'s very good [Wikit] tool, written in Tcl and using his [MetaKit] database, and I have made a couple of changes. This is why I love Tcl actually, it's the language where you can take any piece of code written by anybody else and understand and modify it, I was already doing that 15 years ago and it still works! For me Tcl is '''the''' "Open Source" language, just try to do that with C++! ---- '''BTW, feel free to modify this page at will, it is a work in progress...''' Of course! ---- '''Wikit Development''' This section was devoted to the project of enhancing the [Wikit] engine. Now most contents has been moved [] in a wiki that [JCW] has created and which is dedicated to wikit enhancements. I haven't had much time to work on this and merge my previous patches in the new sources tree, but I promise to find some time before the holidays! :-). ''Wikit Development Links'' In case you are intersted in wikit development, see these links: 1. The TclersWiki Yahoo Group and mailing-list: 2. The equi4 wiki devoted to wikit and other tools from [jcw]: 3. A page about wikit enhancements proposals in this wiki: [Ideas for Wikit enhancements] includes the ideas of development and their status. (Note: my page at equi4 is obsolete). 4. Use of the New wiki and CVS access: ''[[JC, is this still valid?]]'' JC has been posting the comments below. I leave them here because they contain help on how to get access to the new wikit and also CVS access. [JCW] Ok. I have started to consolidate things. For now (pressed for time, leaving for a long weekend), I've brought it in line with Steve Landers' local mode embellishments (try it!). Still need to add a substantial amount of reshuffling and badly needed comments by AK, but I just won't have time to do it now. Here goes, the latest "nwikit" (which I'm calling "wikit" again, btw): * to just try it, download and run from this temp spot [] tclkit wikit.bin (or chmod, mv, and run as "wikit") * to track CVS: cvs login (empty pw) cvs co wikit * to check sources and diffs through the web interface: * to run in unpacked mode: tclkit wikit/bin/main.tcl * to pack it into a wikit.bin scripted doc: ln -s wikit wikit.vfs (or "mv wikit wikit.vfs") sdx fs2sd wikit.bin I'll tidy up and finish this work next week. Promise! ---- [[ [Category Home page] | [Category Tcler's Wiki] | [Category Person] ]]