''See [Roman numerals] for why the term 'numerals' would have been better fitting'' [Richard Suchenwirth] 2001-12-10 - Another piece from my collection of international number formatters, here's how to convert a non-negative integer into Chinese characters (simplified as used in PRC and Singapore - edit the little "dictionary" if you prefer traditional style). I have marked powers of 10 that must be quantified with a leading !, and used "!2" for the alternative digit 2 (liang) that must be used before 1000 and 10000. Positional value 0 is expressed only once for zero sequences, hence the ''skipped'' flag. This routine should deal with numbers up to 2147483647 (32-bit MAXINT) sort of correctly: proc zh'format n { array set dic { 0 \u96F6 1 \u4E00 2 \u4E8C 3 \u4E09 4 \u56DB 5 \u4E94 6 \u516D 7 \u4E03 8 \u516B 9 \u4E5D 10 \u5341 !100 \u767E !1000 \u5343 !10000 \u4e07 !100000000 \u4EBF !2 \u4E24 } if [info exists dic($n)] {return $dic($n)} ;# easy case quick kill set res "" if {$n>=100000000} { set res [zh'format [expr {$n/100000000}]]$dic(!100000000) set n [expr $n%100000000] } if {$n>=10000} { append res [zh'format [expr {$n/10000}]]$dic(!10000) set n [expr $n%10000] } set skipped 0 foreach {i c} [list 1000 $dic(!1000) 100 $dic(!100) 10 $dic(10)] { if {$n/$i} { if {$res!="" && $skipped} {append res $dic(0)} append res $dic([expr $n/$i])$c set n [expr $n%$i] set skipped 0 } else { set skipped 1 } } if {$n} { if {$skipped} {append res $dic(0)} ;# filler zero append res $dic($n) } regsub ^$dic(1)$dic(10) $res $dic(10) res ;# avoid "yishi" regsub ^$dic(2)$dic(!10000) $res $dic(!2)$dic(!10000) res regsub $dic(2)$dic(!1000) $res $dic(!2)$dic(!1000) res set res } if 0 {Note however that this is more a proof of concept than a practical requirement for Chinese localization. Every Chinese using a computer is able and willing to understand numbers in the international style, so the above is useful only in full-text translation - or as a weekend fun project ;-) ---- [RS] 2007-02-14 - Here it goes in the opposite direction: convert a Chinese number to an integer, if possible (by building up an expression): proc cn2int str { set x [string map { \u96F6 0 \u4E00 1 \u4E8C 2 \u4E09 3 \u56DB 4 \u4E94 5 \u516D 6 \u4E03 7 \u516B 8 \u4E5D 9 \u5341 *10+ \u767e *100+ \u5343 *1000+ } $str] set x [string trim $x *+] catch {expr $x} res set res } ---- [WJP] My uninum library [http://billposer.org/Software/libuninum.html], which has a Tcl interface, provides comprehensive conversion in both directions between Chinese numbers and integers. It handles both regular and legal/financial numerals, traditional and simplified characters, traditional and place-based, differences between Japanese and Chinese practice and among Chinese dialects, etc. It also handles Suzhou numbers and counting rods. ---- [Things Chinese] | [Chinlish] | [Natural languages] | [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming] [Category Mathematics] - [Category Local]