Purpose: To provide an index to all information about interfaces from other programming languages. ---- To see a list of all foreign interface pages on this Wiki, click on the above title. To add a foreign interface page to this category, add a link to this page to the foreign interface page, e.g., [Category Foreign Interfaces]. As this didn't really become a category I'm adding som links right here: * ML - sml_tcl - http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~cxl/sml_tk/ * Scheme - STk - http://kaolin.unice.fr/STk/STk.html * Java - [jacl] * SQL - tcl-sql - http://packages.debian.org/unstable/libs/tcl-sql.html * Prolog - TclTK-Prolog Connection - http://jeans.studentenweb.org/tcltk/conn.html ---- [Category Category] ----