Version 9 of CGI By Hand

Updated 2006-11-26 21:41:51 by LES

Ro 2004-11-05 (Nov 5th, 2004)

Lovingly crafted simplicity.

CGI can get complex when you include library after library, so let's do it by hand:


  puts "Content-type: text/plain\n"

  puts eogieogeig

The most basic cgi, all it does is display some text, not even html! But hey, if you're this far, your server is set up, your permissions on your cgi file are correct, and that's half the battle.


  puts "Content-type: text/html\n"

  puts {





Great! You're sending them html now. Notice the Content-type header.


  puts "Content-type: text/plain\n"

  parray env

Wow! Text again, but this time we're dumping out our environment variables, and thats the guts of interfacing to the server, hence the term Common Gateway Interface.

GPS: Nice simple example. I'm not positive, but I seem to recall reading that \r\n is the standard EOL pattern for CGI apps. Thus I usually use puts "Content-type: text/plain\r" I've used \r\n for my CGI work with Roxen, without problems. Also, there are CGI-related packages in tcllib that are useful for translating the arguments from a web browser into a more usable format.

pepolez: I've used puts "Content type: text/html\n" without any problems. I am however curious as to how to allow a CGI script to output jpeg image data copied from a local file, so that the script outputs a jpeg image to the client browser.

LES on 11-26-2006: I used that kind of approach to upgrade my Web site from PHP to Tcl two years ago, and have always had a tiny litle problem: the validator can't see any of my HTML [L1 ]. Apparently, regular browsers can see it fine [L2 ]. It's just the validator that fails, but that didn't occur when I used PHP. I wonder what I could be doing wrong.

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