Version 13 of Best Practices

Updated 2006-07-21 04:37:38

Pages describing 'best practices'':

Purpose: to discuss the concept of best practices.

The idea behind best practices is often to provide examples of code that show what one should do in the best (or perhaps better thought of as worst) case scenarios. These examples would show proper error handling, consideration for variable naming, name space selection, package creation, etc.

By providing these examples, one is in effect saying "I consider this code to be worthy of emulating in even the most critical applications".

Should one code in this style all the time? I think many (most?) would state that the level of attention spent to error handling should be compared to the level of criticalness of the code. If one is writing a one time program to select some random lottery numbers, and then the code will be thrown away, then I suspect that the error handling could be less than code to be used to monitor the control hardware for a deep sea oil drilling rig...

RS: Also, Tcl's default error handling is far better than your choice of SIGSEGV or "Bus Error" that you may get from an unguarded C program. Why bother catching an [open] if the standard error behavior (file not found) is just a clear message on stdout, or even in a Tk popup?

DL: Two reasons: 1) It is often important to explain why the app was trying to open a file, particularly if it's a temp file with a completely meaningless name. So simply reporting "couldn't open /tmp/.exp38" isn't helpful. 2) Sometimes the underlying diagnostic is misleading. So I generally use an error handler that reports my best guess as to the problem along with the diagnostic that was returned by Tcl.

DKF: Indeed; it is always important to make sure that any errors reported to the user are done so in a way that is relevant to them, even if it makes life a bit harder for yourself. A trick I use when writing code that uses assertions is to mark the error codes specially with some kind of errorCode setting that, when it hits my custom bgerror handler, triggers the sending off of a bug report directly to me. Like that, things that I genuinely do not expect to see get thrown in my face and other problems (like trying to open unwritable files for writing) get relegated to the black pit of oblivion that they so rightly deserve. Not all errors are created equal...

RS: Sure, gentlemen, I agree to both of your points. It's just for most code that I write, I am the only user... and I'm used to Tcl's standard error messages. Chimpanzee-proof software is of course very more demanding, but that's the real Best Practice...

LV: I'd offer another reason for writing specialized code. It may be that generating an error msg is NOT the correct action. For answer, if the user types the wrong file name, having the application stop with a message about 'file not found' isn't the most friendly solution - instead, catch it, and ask the user to try again...

Always brace expressions

You should always surround expressions with {braces}, including expressions supplied to expr, for, if, and while commands. Braced expressions can be compiled by the byte-code compiler, making your scripts faster, and they avoid the problems associated with double substitution. There is some discussion of alternative styles in A Question of Style, but the best practice is still to brace all expressions.

RS: ...except if operators are to substituted (see expr page, Summing a list, Additional math functions).

Use [list] to construct commands

Use a single proc handling the callback instead of multiple commands in bindings and callbacks

You should create a proc for use in callbacks and bindings. It is faster, because procs get the benefit of byte compiling. It is safer, because you avoid going quoting hell in your code. It improves readability and maintainability of code.

If a variable is used as Boolean, use true and false instead 1 and 0

Or, use yes and no. The if procedure works perfectly with if false {...} and if true {...}. This way, not only the var names, but also the values tell me what you intended when I read your code.

MG Is this one really a 'best practice', or just personal preference? Personally, I think if 1 is a much better choice than if yes - with the former, it's clearly what's intended, whereas I'd wonder at a glance whether the second was a typo of if $yes - variables called "true" or "yes" are pretty common, whereas it's very rare to see a var named "1" being used. (And '1 is true and 0 is false' is a pretty standard and basic concept across a hell of a lot of languages, too, so is pretty clear to most people, I think.)

wdb When used in an if-statement, the meaning of 1 and 0 are pretty clear. But if in your code, a variable is set to 1 or 0, I cannot see immediately if you need it for arithmetic or boolean operations without scanning the code for usage of this var name (hopefully the var name is not used more than once).

Moreover: The intention of any high-level programming language was: make it easy for the human author. Using 1 for true and 0 for false is a habit for a C programmer. But, it is a bad habit if there are better alternatives. -- The quality of some code is not only answered by: does it work? but also by: can I see what was the intent, and how to improve by my last idea of last friday night?

RLH Aren't all 'best practices' a preference? Most are I think. The Perl side of the house has a book about 'best practices' and it is a wonderful book. Some things are hard to argue with but some things are definately a preference.

Starting with Tcl 8.4, if you are comparing two strings and know there will be no numbers involved use "eq" and not "=="

Its faster (equivalent to a string equal call) and safer, as you may find surprising conversions when using "==" on strings that look like numbers.

Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming - Category Concept