Version 54 of Audio Webcast from the Tcl Conference

Updated 2004-10-14 14:49:52



The stream is now also available as MP3! - See below for details.

Reinhard Max - Oct 12, 2004

There will be audio streams available from the technical sessions at the Eleventh Annual Tcl/Tk Conference. They will be up at least for the duration of the sessions (Wed-Fri, 09:00-17:00). The detailed schedule can be found here: [L1 ].

SC To find out what time that is where you are, try [L2 ].

Here some data for some general areas of the world:

     West_coast_(Vancouver): 07:00-15:00 (-02, relative to New Orleans!)
     East_coast_(New_York)_: 10:00-18:00 (+01)
     Europe_(Germany)______: 16:00-00:00 (+07)
     Europe_(Britain)______: 15:00-23:00 (+06)
     Australia_(Sydney)____: 00:00-08:00 (+17)

You can tune in with any player than can play ogg/vorbis streams that come in via HTTP.

This includes:

  • Kroc's basic snack stream player (Requires snack, ActiveTcl is usable as foundation as well).
  • SnackAmp (Tcl/Tk music player for linux & windows)
  • Winamp (media player for Windows) - If you have the lite [L3 ] version installed you need to add this dll [L4 ] to the "Plugins" directory of your installation to make it play Ogg/Vorbis.
  • xmms (audio player for Linux)
  • ogg123 (command line Ogg player for Linux)
  • MPlayer (command line media player for Linux)
  • RealPlayer (media player for Linux and Windows)
  • iTunes/QuickTime (media player for Mac OS X and Windows) with ogg codec [L5 ]

There are also ogg-plugins available for other players. Please feel free to extend the list with more players you find working and with URLs to those listed.

Ogg Streams

Some players want playlist URLs instead of the direct stream URLs, so if the above URLs don't work with your player although it claims to support Ogg/Vorbis, you can try one of these, which are playlist URLs:

If you are behind a firewall that doesn't you connect to port 8000, you can try the German server which runs on port 80.

MP3 Stream

The German Server now also provides the stream re-encoded to mp3, for those who were having issues with getting an ogg player up and running on Wednesday.

Test Streams

The conference streams will most likely _not_ be available outside of the scheduled session hours. For testing players while the conference streams are down there is a test loop available under the following URLs (depending on the client):

All listeners are invited to log into the Tcl'ers Chat for coordination and for asking questions to the speakers at the conference. There will be people in the conference room who are logged into the chat and can proxy between remote listeners and the speaker.

If you want to watch the slides while listening to the audio, look at the Conference Slides Page.

Show yourself on People Listening to the Eleventh Annual Tcl/Tk Conference

escargo 13 Oct 2004 - Thanks. I was able to tune in, but useing ogg at least the volume was very low; any chance of increasing pickup gain?

At what time were you in? Towards the end of the day the volume was OK for most of us.

escargo - It was around 11:30 a.m., CDT.

sheila, 10 Oct 2004: Will audio files be archived?

rmax: Yes, we will archive them at several places for redundancy and plan to make them available after the conference. So please don't open a second stream to run your own archive, as the number of slots for listeners on the servers is limited.

ak: Just did a recording of the testloop for 15 minutes as a yard stick. That was 3.75 megs. With 7 hour-days the 3 days come in at a bit less than half a CD (314.67 MB). And even recording through the 1 hour noon-break just brings us to ca. 356 MB. Still manageable.

sheila: thanks guys. Perhaps someone can seed a bit torrent? Once I get home I can start my torrent client and leave it running.


  • to SuSE for sponsoring part of Reinhard Max's time for setting up and running this,
  • to Jacob Levy and the other owners of for sponsoring bandwith,
  • to ActiveState for sponsoring bandwidth,
  • and to Steve Redler IV for providing the hardware that sends the upstream from the conference hotel.

Schedule in CET


  • 1600-1700 CET Tcl and Sql-lite
  • 1730-1900 CET Tcl and Friends
  • 2030-2230 CET Working with GUI
  • 2300-2400 CET Works-in-Progess

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