Version 11 of Arbitrary Precision Math Procedures

Updated 2003-02-04 10:37:17

I speed up more extensively adda and multa in doing computation in base 10000 instead of 10. Here is code

 global base
 set base 10000
  # Add two numbers.
 proc adda {xs ys} {
        global base
      set rs {}
      set carry 0
      if {[llength $xs]>[llength $ys]} {
          set len [llength $ys]
          set flag 0
      } else {
          set len [llength $xs]
          set flag 1
      set pos 0
      foreach x $xs y $ys {
          if {$pos>=$len} {
              if {$flag} {set x 0} else {set y 0}
          set n [expr {$x+$y+$carry}]
          set carry [expr {$n / $base}]
          lappend rs [expr {$n % $base}]
          incr pos ;# who stole this line? restored 11/00 MM
      if {$carry} {lappend rs $carry}
      return $rs
 proc multi {xs a} {
      global base
      set rs {}
      #puts "multi : xs=$xs"
      if { $a == $base } {
        set rs $xs
        set rs [ linsert $rs 0 0 ]
        #puts "multi: rs=$rs"
        return $rs
      set carry 0
      foreach x $xs {
          set n [expr {$x*$a+$carry}]
          set carry [expr {$n / $base}]
          lappend rs [expr {$n % $base}]
      if {$carry} {lappend rs $carry}
      return $rs

 proc multa {xs ys} {
      global base
      set rs {}
      set d $ys
      foreach x $xs {
                set n [multi $d $x]
                set rs [adda $rs $n ]
                set d [multi $d $base ]
      return $rs

  # Convert an integer to a (list-formatted) number.
  proc tolist {n} {
      global base
      set rs {}
      if {[catch {incr n 0}]} {
          set k 0
          set nn {}
          set rs {}
          set l [string length $n ]
          incr l -1
          for { set i $l } { $i >= 0 } { incr i -1 } {
              set digit [ string index $n $i ] 
              incr k
              set nn "$digit$nn"
              if { $k == 4} {
                set k 0         
                lappend rs  $nn 
                #puts -nonewline " $nn"
                set nn {}
          if { $nn != {} } {
                lappend rs  $nn 
                #puts -nonewline " $nn"
          #puts ""
      } else {
          while {$n > 0} {
              lappend rs [expr {$n%$base}]
              set n [expr {$n/$base}]
      #puts "tolist rs= $rs"
      return $rs

  # Convert a (list-formatted) number to a human-readable form.
  # Will be an integer (modulo type-shimmering) if representable.
  proc fromlist {xs} {
      set r {}
      foreach x $xs {
          if { $x == 0 } {
                set r "0000$r"
          } else {
                set r $x$r
      if {![string length $r]} {set r 0}
      return $r

  # DEMO CODE: Factorial.  Try calculating [fact 40] for a 48-digit number
  proc fact {n} {
      set this 1
      for {set i 1} {$i <= $n} {incr i} {
          set this [multa $this [tolist $i]]
      return [fromlist $this]

  # DEMO CODE: Fibonacci Sequence.  Doesn't grow anything like as fast as factorial (in fact, two-term recurrences such as Fibonacci grow at quadratic rates),
  # but still grows beyond 32-bit integers quite easily.
  proc fib {n} {
      set this 1
      set last 0
      for {set i 1} {$i<$n} {incr i} {
          set new [adda $this $last]
          set last $this
          set this $new
      return [fromlist $this]


Here are a few procedures I put together to perform arbitrary precision arithmetic. If you are using these a lot, perhaps you should consider the mpexpr extension [L1 ] instead.

The basic representation I use is a list of decimal digits (easy to convert to and from human-readable form) stored least-significant digit first (so the code handles the magnitude of the numbers implicitly.)

This all comes from a discussion I was having in email relating to some messages online about calculating factorials. I've decided to put the procs here so I can find them again. Feel free to optimise them, add in relevant links, more examples, other representations, etc.


WHOA! Donal, am I missing something here?

 % tolist 75676576576576576567575
 can't use floating-point value as operand of "%"

That's not an integer, is it? It's just a string of digits... Oh well, I've fixed the code below now, so your example should now work. - DKF

HOW is that not an integer?

 in�������·te�������·ger (nt-jr)
   n. Mathematics

     1.A member of the set of positive whole numbers (1, 2, 3, . . .),
       negative whole numbers (-1, -2, -3, . . .),
       and zero (0).
     2.A complete unit or entity.

BTW, I fixed your missing bracket problem down there... things are quite spiffy now. How would we ever get along without our own knight-of-the-lambda-calculus? Thanks Donal! -PSE

Hah! Dictionary definitions are for wimps! It cannot be parsed by Tcl_GetInt(), so obviously it cannot be an integer. This is confirmed by the use of the [string is integer 75676576576576576567575] test, which naturally fails.

(And cheers for fixing any missing bracket problems.)


All of the words in the dictionary cannot express my gratitude that I do not have to sit across the table from you at the Monday morning status meeting... -PSE

My status meetings are usually on Friday afternoons, and I have the advantage of working with people with heavy admin and/or teaching loads, so any work I choose to do is definitely appreciated. And I drink coffee that is substantially stronger than Starbucks makes theirs...

Now, I've got a compiler spec. that I really ought to get written for as soon as possible. So I do hope you'll forgive me if I leave this pleasant little discussion for now and get on with a little work. -DKF

So should I, but I like this place ;-) how 'bout

 proc string_is_dictionary_integer {s} {regexp {^-?[0-9]+$} $s} ;#RS

  proc K {x y} {set x};# For a speedup

  # Add two numbers.
  proc adda {xs ys} {
      set rs {}
      set carry 0
      if {[llength $xs]>[llength $ys]} {
          set len [llength $ys]
          set flag 0
      } else {
          set len [llength $xs]
          set flag 1
      set pos 0
      foreach x $xs y $ys {
          if {$pos>=$len} {
              if {$flag} {set x 0} else {set y 0}
          set n [expr {$x+$y+$carry}]
          set carry [expr {$n / 10}]
          lappend rs [expr {$n % 10}]
          incr pos ;# who stole this line? restored 11/00 MM
      if {$carry} {lappend rs $carry}
      return $rs

  # Multiply two numbers.
  proc multa {xs ys} {
      set rs 0
      foreach x $xs {
          for {} {$x>0} {incr x -1} {
              set rs [adda [K $rs [set rs {}]] $ys]
          set ys [linsert [K $ys [set ys {}]] 0 0]
      return $rs

  # Convert an integer to a (list-formatted) number.
  proc tolist {n} {
      set rs {}
      if {[catch {incr n 0}]} {
          foreach digit [split $n {}] {
              set rs [linsert [K $rs [set rs {}]] 0 $digit]
      } else {
          while {$n > 0} {
              lappend rs [expr {$n%10}]
              set n [expr {$n/10}]
      return $rs

  # Convert a (list-formatted) number to a human-readable form.
  # Will be an integer (modulo type-shimmering) if representable.
  proc fromlist {xs} {
      set r {}
      foreach x $xs {
          set r $x$r
      if {![string length $r]} {set r 0}
      return $r

  # DEMO CODE: Factorial.  Try calculating [fact 40] for a 48-digit number
  proc fact {n} {
      set this 1
      for {set i 1} {$i <= $n} {incr i} {
          set this [multa [K $this [set this {}]] [tolist $i]]
      return [fromlist $this]

  # DEMO CODE: Fibonacci Sequence.  Doesn't grow anything like as fast as factorial,
  # but still grows beyond 32-bit integers quite easily.
  proc fib {n} {
      set this 1
      set last 0
      for {set i 1} {$i<$n} {incr i} {
          set new [adda $this $last]
          set last $this
          set this $new
      return [fromlist $this]

Another link: - RS

See mkTulip at .

Check out Bignums Fast and Dirty and arbint and mpexpr.

[ Category Mathematics ]