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Other programming languages provide commands like Sendkey (VB) or Sendmessage (VC). So I can executing notepad, putting text into textbox and saving that in a file. That's all possible because of controlling menuoptions by sending Windows-Messages ... It is possible in Tcl too? [RS]: See [tcom] for COM support, but not sure whether Notepad understands that.. JPT: You could also try [cwind] (http://mini.net/tcl/5019). I've used it once and it did the (simple) job I had to do. ---- '''Using Exec To Capture A Child Processes Stdout And Stderr''' Sep 26 - 2003 I want to make a frontend to gcc in tcl. if {[catch {exec gcc -c $Compiler_Flags $Filename } Result]} { puts $Result exit 1 } I want to map gcc's output messages to stdout and stderr, while the command runs. I could direct it to a file, but we'll proberbly be running this frontend, several persons at the same time. [RS]: Experiment with eval exec [list gcc ... > @stdout 2> @ stderr $Compiler_Flags [list $Filename] xx: bgexec from blt allows the redirection of stdout and stderr to tcl-variables ---- '''How Does One Tcl Interpreter Access Variables/Values In Another (Tcl Interpreter)?''' 08/26/2003 INTERCOMMUNICATION You start two wish-interpreters, wish1 and wish2. In wish1 you create a variable: % set x(val1) 0 0 My question: How can I make x accessable for wish2? Thanks for all solutions or ideas! PB [FW]: What OS are you using? Do you mean multiple executions of one interpreter, or a slave interpreter within one application? Are you developing cross-platform? If you mean multiple applications, you're in luck by using Tcl, which is very strong for inter-application communication. Tk has a built-in [send] command, and the [comm] package provides similar functionality via sockets that works cross-platform. It's even easier with slave interpreters - just look at the [interp] page to find out how to send commands to a slave interp. PB: I'm using XP for this project and primarily I try to find an easy concept for an applications conversation and interp is my favorite now. Thank you... [FW]: So does that mean you're using slave interpreters or separate applications? PB: (curios?) I use slave interps althought separate applications would be better. therefore better because if master interp has a problem, slaves will have a problem too. sure, there are possibilities to catch and handle such cases, but that costs a lot of time and time is money. on the other side I have a problem to exchange common data using seperate applications because they run in different enviroments. [FW]: Thanks for clarifying. Just use [[interp eval]] to run commands within the slaves. If and when you start using separate applications, I'd use the [comm] package (based on the venerable [send]) for inter-app communication. ---- '''How Do I Pass A Variable/Value To A Child Interpreter?''' 02/04/2004 Hi, does someone knows if I can access a variable in child-interp-context? proc change_dir { __dir } { interp create child interp eval child {cd $__dir} ... } I know, in interp child $__dir does not exists. Is there a way to put a value from invoking interp into child-interp? Perhaps with interp alias? PB [RS]: In your case it's even easier, just substitute the variable before calling interp eval: interp eval child [list cd $__dir] ;# :-) ---- '''Calling COMMAND.COM/cmd.exe With Exec (Or WinUtils::Shell/Launch) Under DOS/Windows''' 04/Aug/2003 when I am using below systax executing in tcl/tk, then I am getting error. Syntax is set dirinfo [exec command.com/c dir] Error I am getting, when I am executing this is 'invalid command name "command.com/c"' How can I execute this? Could you please suggest me. [lv] does [DOS bat magic] help? [RS] Put a space between the filename command.com and the switch /c. DOS shells can do without the space, but Tcl requires whitespace between words. ---- '''Problems Running Exe/Com Files - Using Exec - In Windows''' 30/July/2003 I am facing some problems in tcl/tk windows version I am using tcl/tk version on win 98. When I am using "exec" then I am getting errors. example: set msg [ exec c:\cssplit.exe]; where cssplit is "C" program and cssplit.exe executable file, when executing this, it's giving error "child process exited abnormally while executing exec cssplit". when I am executing batch files then it's givng couldn't execute test-spec.bat no such file or directory, but file is existing, not only this what ever I give with "exec" command all are getting errors. Could you please suggest me to execute this command. [lv] I suspect that the problem here is that cssplit is either producing output on stderr or returning a non-zero return code. See [catch] for a way to account for these two alternatives. Note that it is easier to answer a question when you show us exactly what you type and what the output in return is, than when someone tries to ''summarize''; in cases of errors, more information is likely to be beneficial... [Peter Newman] 29 October 2004: Exec under Windows is usually way too complicated and confusing. It does heaps of things (like trying to capture the called processes stdout and stderr), which 99% of the time aren't necessary. A MUCH simpler alternative are the [winutils] ::shell and ::launch commands. Just feed them the filespec and any parameters, and they'll run the file - much as if you'd clicked on it from Windows Explorer, or called it from the command prompt. Feed it a ''.html'' file for example, and it'll automatically launch your default web browser. Another nice touch is that it accepts/requires filespecs in standard Tcl format (with forward slashes). So you don't have to bother converting them. Forget ''exec'' (and hours of grief); just use [winutils]. ----