[Keith Vetter] 2005-12-13 : Here's a cute little animation that I recently rediscovered on my hard drive. ====== ##+########################################################################## # # Animated Circles.tcl # by Keith Vetter # package require Tk array set S {step 1 delay 25 stop 0} proc Expand {xy d} { foreach {x0 y0 x1 y1} $xy break list [expr {$x0-$d}] [expr {$y0-$d}] [expr {$x1+$d}] [expr {$y1+$d}] } proc Recenter {W h w} { set h [expr {$h / 2.0}] ; set w [expr {$w / 2.0}] $W config -scrollregion [list -$w -$h $w $h] } proc Step {} { foreach tag [.c find withtag o] { set xy [Expand [.c coords $tag] $::S(step)] .c coords $tag $xy } if {[lindex [.c coords o$::S(smallest)] 2] < 10} return set biggest [expr {($::S(smallest) - 1) % $::S(cnt)}] .c coords o$biggest {0 0 0 0} set ::S(smallest) $biggest } proc Animate {} { if {$::S(stop)} return Step after $::S(delay) Animate } wm title . "Animated Circles" canvas .c -bg blue -width 400 -height 200 -highlightthickness 0 pack .c -fill both -expand 1 bind .c {Recenter %W %h %w} bind all {console show} set r [expr {int(1+hypot([winfo screenwidth .]/2,[winfo screenheight .]/2)/10)}] set xy [list 0 0 0 0] for {set i 0} {$i <= $r} {incr i} { .c create oval $xy -outline green -width 5 -tag [list o o$i] set xy [Expand $xy 10] } set S(smallest) 0 set S(cnt) [llength [.c find withtag o]] .c create text 0 0 -anchor c -fill red -font {Helvetica 36 bold} -text "Welcome to\nTcl/tk" -justify center Animate return ====== [AMG]: AAUGH IT'S DOING THINGS TO MY MIND!! Heh, it would be double awesome if you could have a second set of concentric circles, contracting instead of expanding, clipped to the text. [DKF]: The [canvas] doesn't support arbitrary clipping, so that's tricky. Indeed, it doesn't support clipping at all; you'd have to add that using an extension (such as my [shape] extension, which does (widget) clipping by text among other things, and which IIRC comes with a demo showing how to do such clipping). ---- [uniquename] 2013jul29 This code could use an image to show what it produces: [vetter_animatedCircles_wiki15104_screenshot_404x225.jpg] (Thanks to 'gnome-screenshot', 'mtpaint', and ImageMagick 'convert' on Linux for, respectively, capturing the image to a PNG file, cropping the image, and converting the resulting PNG file to a somewhat smaller JPEG file. Thank you FOSS developers everywhere.) This static image does not do justice to the effect. Stare at the expanding circles for a few seconds and you may become hypnotized and glued to your monitor. ---- '''Gerhard Reithofer 2017-05-11''' I was asked if it is possible to create an "animated widget" in TCL like it is used in modern GUIs. I tried to create a typical radio-like symbol as it is used often for WLANs. The result is: ====== package require Tk 8.5 namespace eval DynWidget { variable widget ; # canvas to draw on variable lwidth 5 ; # drawing line width variable dcolor "grey" ; # drawing color variable bckgnd "white" ; # background color variable jstyle "round" ; # line join style variable rad ; # radius variation values variable col ; # color variation values variable t_font {Helvetica 14 bold} variable version "0.2" # wave radius values set rad {10 20 30 40 50} # circle fading colors (delta rad entries) set col { #707070 #808080 #909090 #a0a0a0 #b0b0b0 #c0c0c0 #d0d0d0 #e0e0e0 #f0f0f0 #ffffff } # coord components and simple item identifying method proc CX {vec} {return [lindex $vec 0]} proc CY {vec} {return [lindex $vec 1]} proc ID {typ name} {return "${typ}_${name}"} # create canvas to draw on proc painton {w size} { variable widget variable bckgnd # create canvas to paint on set opts [list -width [CX $size] -height [CY $size] -bg $bckgnd] pack [set widget [canvas $w.c {*}$opts]] # returning center of the canvas return [lmap p {width height} {expr [$widget cget -$p]/2}] } # create or set item properties for $cid proc dataof {cid typ coords args} { variable widget # search or create object set item [$widget find withtag $cid] if {$item eq ""} { set item [$widget create $typ $coords -tags $cid] } else { $widget coords $item $coords } # apply the default and changing options ... $widget itemconfigure $item {*}$args return $item } # draw or modify circle $cid proc circle {cid x y r col} { variable lwidth set opts [list -width $lwidth -outline $col] set coords [list [expr {$x-$r}] [expr {$y-$r}]\ [expr {$x+$r}] [expr {$y+$r}]] return [dataof [ID "wave" $cid] oval $coords {*}$opts] } # draw or modify triangle $cid proc tower {cid top hgt wh} { variable bckgnd variable dcolor variable lwidth variable jstyle set opts [list -fill $bckgnd -width $lwidth\ -outline $dcolor -joinstyle $jstyle] lappend top [expr {[CX $top] - $wh}] $hgt lappend top [expr {[CX $top] + $wh}] $hgt return [dataof [ID "tower" $cid] polygon $top {*}$opts] } # draw or modify text $cid proc gtext {cid coords txt} { variable t_font set opts [list -font $t_font -text $txt -justify center] return [dataof [ID "text" $cid] text $coords {*}$opts] } # draw or modify circles (i. e. animation) proc wave {cx cy wait} { variable widget variable rad variable col set rmax [expr {[llength $rad]-1}] set cmax [expr {[llength $col]-1}] for {set ci 0} {$ci <= $cmax} {incr ci} { set co [expr {$cmax - $ci}] for {set ri 0} {$ri <= $rmax} {incr ri} { set r [expr {[lindex $rad $ri] + $ci}] switch $ri 0 {set ca [lindex $col $co] ; # fade in } $rmax {set ca [lindex $col $ci] ; # fade out } default {set ca [lindex $col 0]} # draw/modify circle with new radius $r and color $ca set item [circle $ri $cx $cy $r $ca] $widget lower $item update } after $wait } } # initialize basic graphics proc setup {w c_size t_size} { set cp [painton $w $c_size] tower "tower" $cp [CX $t_size] [CY $t_size] return $cp } } set cnv_size {320 240} set tower_sz {230 30} set tx_title "Press Esc to exit ..." set waitmsec 100 wm title . "DynWidget $DynWidget::version" bind . {exit 0} set cp [DynWidget::setup "" $cnv_size $tower_sz] if {$tx_title ne ""} { DynWidget::gtext "title" [list [DynWidget::CX $cp] 20] $tx_title } while {true} { DynWidget::wave [DynWidget::CX $cp] [DynWidget::CY $cp] $waitmsec } ====== Screenshot of the dynamic changing widget, the circles fade in at first and increase their radius until they fade out. [Dynamic Widget] <> Animation