[JM] 3/19/2019 The following worked for me on a Lenovo Yoga Tab 3, running [Androwish] <> ** Example 1 ** 1. USB OTG connector 1. USB to DB9 converter (Prolific) 1. US Robotics 5686 external modem (I have one, believe it or not) 1. Code from "Basic Example" from [Serial Port] with 1 change only: set dev [lindex [usbserial] 0] set fh [usbserial $dev] Instead of: set fh [open $comPort RDWR] Screenshot: [Androwish Serial Port screenshot] ** Example 2 ** [JM] 3/23/2019 - [SerPortChat] works on [Androwish] with the following minor changes:<
> 1. I used dummy icons instead of the original png files 1. changed a few lines: