"Android is the only open source testing tool for GUI programs." What: Android Where: http://www.wildopensource.com/activities/larry-projects/android.php http://www.realvnc.com/ Description: Android is a Tcl/Tk application which for recording and playing back scripts of X11 event commands, using the XTest extension. It can be used to automate driving X11 based applications (by use of the vncserver, you could even drive programs on other platforms). It works as a sort of Expect for GUIs. Currently at version 0.99.9 . Updated: 09/2004 Contact: mailto:larry@wildopensource.com (Larry Smith) ---- Also: [Android - An Open Handset Alliance Project], Google's open source phone project. ---- Other pointers are available at [http://phaseit.net/claird/comp.windows.misc/Android.html]. ''[escargo] 30 Jul 2003'' - The wildopensource URLs are apparently intermittent. [Larry Smith] Wild Open Source recently changed servers. The new IP address is still being propogated through DNS, but the given urls are correct and should work. With persistence I was eventually able to get the source. Still, I want to know: Are there any mirror sites for Android? [Larry Smith] No. (Thanks to [lv] for checking the problem I was having.) ---- [lv] i don't know of any mirrors - few tcl packages have mirrors available. ---- [TkXext], [TKReplay], and [Hemang Lavana]'s rarely-maintained RecordnPlayTclTk [http://www.cbl.ncsu.edu/~lavana/RecordnPlayTclTk-1.01b.zip] have some of Android's capabilities. ---- See also [VNC]. ---- Just putting the words "Java Robot class" here. I was looking for a tcl extension with the ability to send window events to other applications to replace some functionality provided by this java class. Maybe others will stumble upon this a little easier. ---- [Category Application] | [Category Dev. Tools] | [Category Testing]