The Tcler's Wiki is a collaboratively-edited area on the web, dedicated to the [Tcl] programming language and its extensions, including the [Tk] graphical toolkit. The system hosting the Tcler's Wiki comprises the following software modules * [Wikit] * [Wub] * [WubWikit] * [TDBC] The relationships between the modules are shown in the following diagram [] The Wiki is hosted on a virtual [Linux] server at [] The TDBC back-end is currently [SQLite]. ---- '''Editing Pages''' Information for this seems rather scattered and is not easily found, so I thought this should be a starting point, since it is easily accessible on the left banner ''About the Wiki'' [buchs] * [Formatting Rules] (this seems to be up-to-date and most useful for editing an existing page when you've done it before but can't remember the markup. [buchs]. The edit page has a number of buttons at the top which help in the insertion of markup. It has a button linking to a help page as well [ak].) * [How to edit these wiki pages] * [TclWiki Formatting Rules] * When you want to create a unique page, add a link to it on [New Pages]. ---- '''History''' The Tcler's Wiki was created by [Jean-Claude Wippler] and hosted by him from 1999 until the early 2007. In early 2007 the hosting was taken over by [Colin McCormack] after he wrote a new network interface to the Wiki backend, and in early 2008 the Wiki was given a visual makeover by [Steve Landers], [Jos Decoster] began to add new markup (an ongoing project for Jos) and [Kevin Kenny] wrote the history facilities. In 2010, [Jos Decoster] retargetted the wiki to [TDBC] backend, necessitating substantial rewrites. The Wiki is now hosted by the [Tcl Association] on behalf of the Tcl Community, and maintained by a team of volunteers, including * [Jos Decoster] * [Kevin Kenny] * [Pat Thoyts] * [Colin McCormack] * [Steve Landers] The Wiki contents are stewarded by a team of ''Wiki Gnomes'', one of the most prominent being [Larry Virden]. [Colin McCormack] continues to develop and support [Wub] and the Wiki network interface. ----- !!!!!! %|[Category Wikit] | [Category Tcler's Wiki]|% !!!!!!