Detailed information is available at See the|%program page%|% for presentations and|%photos%|%. The presentations of this meeting are available at the|%EuroTcl site%|%. Videos of the talks are available on|%YouTube%|%. ---- %|||% &|When|July 7-8, 2018|& &|Where|Munich, Germany|& &|Email Contact||& &|Site Chair|[Arnulf Wiedemann]|& &|Program Chair|[Paul Obermeier]|& ---- 28 Tcl'ers from Austria, Estonia, Germany, Italy, Russia and UK attended the meeting. 1 TCT member attended the meeting: Donal Fellows. ---- The following Tcl'ers gave a presentation. %|||% &||%Paul Obermeier%|%||%MAWT - Movie Automation With Tcl%|%|& &||%Uli Ender%|%||%Using GPIOs of Raspberry Pi in pure Tcl - my way - Part II%|%|& &||%Donal Fellows%|%||%State of Tcl/Tk: Summer 2018%|%|& &||%Donal Fellows%|%|Demo of Tcl compiler tclquadcode|& &||%Michael Kaelbling%|%||%BDD Development with Tcl 8.6%|%|& &||%Michael Kaelbling%|%||%Easily converting Tcl scripts to Python%|%|& &||%Manfred Rosenberger%|%||%A CAD-like graphic package for Tcl/Tk%|%|& &||%Franco Violi%|%||%Tcl in a very large legacy document management system, including Italian electronic invoice processing%|%|& &||%Christian Werner%|%||%undroidwish on unusual platforms and other oddities%|%|& &||%Antonio Pisano, Hector Romojaro Gomez%|%||%Tcl Based Lecturecast System at Vienna University for Economics and Business%|%|& &||%Nathan Coulter%|%|{ycl env}|& &||%Florian Murr%|%|McFSM has (further) matured|& &||%Rene Zaumseil%|%||%Working on Tk%|%|& <>Tcl Conferences | Category Community